My dad says I push him too far

I don’t actaully do much wroung, he always says I push him to far. How does he know he doesn’t push me to far somtimes? For explain he called me a wh*re because I was huging another guy which isn’t my biyfriend, I can also have guys friends aswell he doesn’t seem to understand this though.

Answer #1

Communication, trust, and respect are just some of the most important keys to any relationship esp. within the family.

What I have done throughout my life is first seek a time to talk to the person I feel has been the agressor towards my person. I kind of play out in my mind the consequences based on the person I am going to talk to and just a big FYI. don’t ever expect the outcome you think ,because believe me sometimes you kind wind up extremely disappointed.

But, have an open mind remember your father no matter what is an important person in your life and you want to know what is in his mind that is bothering him soo much. I agree with the latter above that his fear of maybe losing his daughter soon might be a fact. But let him know that you love him above all and that you really want things to work out within your relationship.

Many times parents as well as children are misunderstood due to lack of communicating skills so don’t give up. Now is the time to talk esp. him calling you that nasty word is not acceptable no matter what. I have 3girls and 2boys so I kinda know what you feel but I also understand the fear of kids growing and changing and moving on. No matter what best of luck to you and your family.

Answer #2

Its hard for any father to see there daughters grow up because they take their own experiences with women into account, naturally men also tend to think the worse, it seems to be hardwired into their thick skulls…As for your father, it seems that you may have had a break down in communication or that your dad is being too over-protective…I think instead of thinking how your dad is not understanding you try to think of way to compromise with him and help bring him into the new mellenium…Good luck with that anyway…Sounds like you guys still love eachother, so sometimes all that is required is …TIME and a bit of SPACE

Answer #3

then dont talka bout guys …it gives out the wrong impression sometimes

Answer #4

my moms like that you just have to set it aside keep going on and tell him things talk to him

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