My boyfriend and his green cum

My boyfriend keeps cumin green cum and it smells like suwedge and its really nasty and I dno wht to do about it because he says its because I giv him bad head but I thought I was doing it right. I fingerd him up the bum yesterday and I got a load of poo on my fingers and it was really sick, thn because he wantd me too, am I going to be ill?

Answer #1

Why are you listening to him?? you know its not YOU!! he needs to see a doctor and stop all sexual relations w/him until hes seen one and uve seen that report!!! If he complains, then thats his problem. Yes your going to get sick if you continue doing this and ignoring it. And I cant believe hes saying its your fault!!! and you actually believe him!! Girl…get it together and stop what your doing and leave him alone and let him get tested and poked by a doctor and until hes in normal condition, dont have sex w/hiim and dont do anything else w/him intimately. Its not worth your health or anything else for that matter!! Its NOT YOU. Its HIM. And he knows it…!! get smart and get your facts before believing any of his nonsense. Seems like hes very selfish and shady. Think about what kind of person your with. OH and you should go see a doctor too.

Answer #2

he needs to go to the doctor you need to stop beleiving everything he says it doesnt sound like the two of you communicate properly the way you give head does not affect his cum he has some kind of problem that needs to be fixed by going to the doctors this is an internal thing and of course your going to get poo on you if you stick your finger up him bum and vice versa you should know that

Answer #3

what the fck your boyfriend sounds like an ss and his c*m problem does sound like prostate infection. my advice right now don’t “give head” and no fingering

Answer #4

In no way does that sound healthy. That’s just disgusting and you should just stop giving him head, at least until he gets it checked out. But, personally, he just sounds like a big jerk to me, especially if he is forcing you to do these things when you aren’t ready. Don’t do things just because he wants you to, it’s not right.

Answer #5

The fact that his c*m smells really bad, has NOTHING to do with what you are doing! STOP GIVING HIM HEAD! Your boyfriend doesnt sound like a caring person. Do you always do everything your boyfriend tells you to do? Maybe you need to start standing up for yourself, and tell your boyfriend to finger himself if he wants it so bad! Thats just disgusting! You sound like his little sex toy!

Answer #6

That’s nasty. tell him to get cleaned up or something. ewww!

Answer #7

Yuck!!! Thats so gross:| ewww

Answer #8

This is not your fault, green sperm is often a sign of clamidia or gonorrhea, which are both very harmful STD’s. Stop having sexual contact immediately until he gets antibiotics and the doctor says it is okay.

Answer #9

Ok…apparently there is something wrong with this boy if he is cumin green nastiness…take him to the doctor yourself if he refuses to go, and most likely, they will have a better answer than you will, anyways, good luck…

xx. superfresh.

Answer #10

Yellow or green c*m is a sign of prostate infection. Have him get it checked out immediatly!!

Answer #11

Ewww that is so nasty don’t do that ever again do not stick your finger of that nasty boys butt forreal if my boyfriend asked me to do that I would stick somethin huge up that sh$! An watch him scream then laugh till I can’t breathe how could you seriously finger his a** hole with out laughing at that question WTF ew an don’t give him head he probably diseased you an of course he probably has major STDs with the other girls he did things with before you he’s freakin weird an you seriously need to see a counciler or seek some help to stop believing what he says to you !

Answer #12

most likely he has some type of infection, no meaning std could be prostate infection, or not being sick, but if you guys dont use protection and if you guys have butt sex, and if he doesn’t clean after or pee after there is a great change of the anal bacteria (ecoli) to get up his urethra, so consult a dr, its a easy fix if its the second choice, cipro 500 mg 2 times a day for 10 days,.. if its the prostate infection, u may need a antiboitic for up to 4 weeks.. either way, get a pee test, a std panel test and some blood work to be safe.. * the pee test will check how much wbc and rbc are in the urine..

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