Should I change for my boyfriend's parents?

My boyfriend and I have been going out for a year, but now suddenly he’s told me that his parents want me to change my attitude and watch my words whenever I’m at his house (he lives w/his parents). The thing is, they’ve been speaking to him about this for sometime (I don’t know for how long though), but now he’s finally told me. Obviously there’s some communication problems there. But the thing is, I’ve never been rude to his parents, though I don’t always greet them whenever I come to his house, b/c sometimes they’re not home or they’re in their bedroom (they like to keep my boyfriend and his brother out of their room, weird I know). They’ve made me dinner sometimes, I’ve gone out to eat w/his family, sometimes we all watch movies together at home, etc. But I’ve never been rude, I hardly swear near them, I always stay out of their way (such as if they need to speak w/my boyfriend about something private, whatever). I just don’t like it that they want me to change for their sake and not my own, I know that if I change just for them, I won’t be happy. I’m not sure if my boyfriend agrees w/their demands, he said he doesn’t want to have to choose sides, and I don’t want him to. But I know if I change my ways, they’ll eventually want me to change other things to, such as how I dress, etc. I guess now I won’t be coming over to his house so much anymore and I’ll have to be careful about how much time I spend there, which is sad. Of course my mom wasn’t too happy to hear this, and now this has probably tainted whatever ideas my mom had about his parents (they’ve met twice). How will I be able to continue this relationship w/my boyfriend w/out feeling welcome whenver I’m at his home now? And there’s another part to this story, he’s been continually pressuring me for sex. I’m not ready for sex, and since he’s always inquring about it now, it’s kinda made me afraid to even do it b/c I know that once we will, he will want even more. I even do blow-jobs for him b/c I know it’ll keep him content for a little while. Since I won’t do it with him, he’s always looking up porn on my computer whenever he’s at my apartment (he’s never had sex before and so I understand that, but I wish he was a little more considerate of my feelings). But this isn’t healthy and it’s annoying me. He wants me to be more sexually, basically change for him. Both him and his parents want me to change for them (of course in different ways). Is this relationship worth trying to save? Is it even going anywhere now? I don’t want to have to consider breaking up b/c his parents want me to change. I wish he’d just get a grip on his hormones. There’s a few other issues that are part of all this, but that’s the gist of it. I really don’t know where to go from here. Any words of advice would be much appreciated!!

Answer #1

you shouldnt change for anybody they need to accept you 4 who you really are if they dont like you how you are then tell them tht they are not the ones you are dating their son is and if he dont have a problem then they shouldn.

Answer #2

I honestly think its your BF that wants you to change your attitude, and words,…… not his parents? I also think that he needs the attitude adjustment!! You dont have to put up with such a disrespectful jerk you know!

Any guy who truly cares about you, would never push you into sex. Sex is a huge deal, no matter what some people say. Youre not just the gf - you are your own person, with your own feelings, needs and comfort zone. If your BF truly loved you, he wouldnt pressure you into doing anything you dont wanna do! Generally, a boy who will care for you after sex is also a guy who will wait a long time for sex without pressuring you. A guy who loves you will treat you with respect, listen to your feelings, put you first in his life, be proud of including you in activities with his friends and family, cheer you up when you are down, and show his love in many other such ways.

Don’t be embarrassed or think you will sound immature by saying no to sex. Choosing not to have sex is VERY mature. It would be immature to be pressured into something you don’t want! Tell him how you feel about him, and be honest. If you don’t feel close enough to him yet ….say so. If you really love him but arent interested in sex right now, say so.

If he tells you, “If you loved me you’d do it”, come back at him with, “If you loved me you’d wait”. Sex is NOT the only way to show your love for another person. If he loves you, he will wait forever if needed.

Keep in mind that if it was meant to be with you and this guy, it was meant to be right for BOTH of you, not only for one of you.

Tell him that if he doesnt start respecting you and change his attitude about wanting bjs, and pressuring you for sex…..there is someone out there that will!! I think the porn is starting to go right to his head……(the one in his pants!)!!!!

Answer #3

You shoudnt change for anyone but yourself and if his parents cant accept you for who you are well tough for them and if your boyfriend is wanting you to have sex bt your not ready you she be straight with him and if he cnt ccept that I agree with razorback45 dump his loser a**!

Answer #4

I don’t think you should change for your boyfriend’s parents. they need to except that he loves you/likes you for who you are, just try to be more polite (if that’s possible) around them. and about the sex thing, tell him your not ready and he should accept that, if he doesn’t, I’d dump his loser a**!

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