Answer #1

crazy things. My mom works with a ton of them. Instead of going to church they watch a church tv show ALL DAY, they also believe in getting married at young ages. Like 20 and under. there’s alot more stuff too.

Answer #2

It depends on the family I believe. I once dated a Mormon with strict Mormon parents. He went to some ritual thing at 4 every single morning, couldn’t eat till a certain time of the day, wasny allowed to have caffeine, & a couple other weird things I can’t remember. My best friend is Mormon & the only thing her family does is worship on certain holidays.

Answer #3

Multiple or gasms I should imagine

Answer #4

Lots of sex probably….

Answer #5

Mormonism is a from of Christianity, and is also the same as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Their religious texts are the Bible, plus the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price.

I have friend who is Mormon, and all I can specifically remember is they are very big on dressing up for church (suite & tie). Their religion bans any addicting substances, including caffeine. So if you stay strictly to their doctrine, no coffee or tea.

So people consider then to have strayed from Christianity because of the introduction of the other “religious” text. They are also considered to be a bit of a cult by some. Also the whole multiple wives thing is not condoned by the Mormon Church / The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

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