
Can any one explain what morals are? I understand them just not well…

What are you morals??

Answer #1

morals are guidlines and values that should never be compromised I truly belive that it is god that imparts morals into the mind and heart of man I base my morals on th teaching of jesus for his word is truth and enables me to live having rightous morals and to live a life of holiness

Answer #2

I have morals I treat people as I would want to be treated. I concider feelings my morals and standerds for life are as good as I can do. I wish I could do better at times Morals is the little voice in your head that says you should not do that.

Answer #3

Morals are rules you live by to make you a better person. These can come from family, experiences, not just religion. Morals don’t have to suppress you nature or ask of you things that are not really possible like some of the 10 commandments. These things make you a better person to you and those around you. Morals don’t have to come from religion.

Answer #4

Motivation based on ideas of right and wrong - the Bible / Ten Commandments are the morals put forth for mankind by God - gives a person their ‘core values’ - don’t always succeed but I strive to please Him in all I do and say…Take care !!

Answer #5

Ethics are general guidelines we use, so that we don’t have to think through the implications of everything we do.

In general, people tend to associate the word “moral” with ethics that are promoted by religion, although the words are somewhat interchangeable.

Since I’m not religious, I prefer to speak of ethics to remove the religious overtones. My own ethics are something like “the golden rule, unless the circumstances are very unusual, in which case, take the time to think it through”.

Answer #6

thanks a lot!

Answer #7

it is what someone thinks is right or wrong

Answer #8

something that you have in life eg. if you have no morals then you’d just go around killing everyone or having s3x with your mum or something. its to do with right and wrong

it can also mean the lesson like in a story at the end it may say “th moral of the story is..” this means the lessson to be learnt from the story

Answer #9

What the hell is with your “…”s silverwing? Are you suppose to be more dramatic when you do that? It’s pretty retarded.

Answer #10

Morals to me, is what someone allows into their life. If they have no morals… then, they have no guidelines… no right or wrong. They are in complete charge of their life, how they live it, how they express themselves, etc.

This is where the whole fight for the bible comes into play… as many do not want anyone to have say over what they do. They want to be their own boss… call all the shots… answer to no one.

Daily… min. by min. morals are under attack… in an unprecedented onslaught of the powers of darkness.

Everywhere… attempts are being made to do away with all moral absolutes… in an attempt to say “anything goes”.

I am MAN… and who is going to stop me???

The number of the Anti-Christ, is 666, which is the number of man.

Man has been in charge now, for 6000 years…

day 7… is reserved… for God.

Answer #11

God invented morals… when he gave us his word… it tells us what right and wrong is, without it, how could we know???

It has been passed down now, for 6000 years… so, man has a very good understanding of right and wrong. He then, must choose between the two.

God also gave man a conscience, to help him to know right from wrong.

If one ignores their conscience, for a very long time, it is like a muscle.. it will atrophy or sear over… rendering it useless for guidance. This is a very rare case, but, it can happen. When it does, that person becomes a total menance to society… as they have lost their moral compass… they no longer recognize… good or evil…that is why we are now, experiencing such horrendous crimes, as we see almost daily, on the news.

Men and women have strayed so far from the center, and have done so much evil, and also, have experienced much evil, from the hands of those in charge over them… they are now, berift of a conscience…

they are no longer human, they have become a killing machine. fit only to be destroyed.

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