What's a "moral turpitude crime"?

what is a moral turpitude crime

Answer #1

The following is according to Wikipedia.


The following are crimes that are classified as crimes of moral turpitude:

There are four categories, Crimes Against Property, Against Government Authority, Against People, Family or Sexual Morality, and Crimes Involving Attempts, Aiding, Abetting, Accessories and Conspiracy.

These can include: Fraud:

* Making false representation
* Knowledge of such false representation by the perpetrator
* Reliance on the false representation by the person defrauded
* An intent to defraud
* The actual act of committing fraud

Evil intent:

* Arson
* Blackmail
* Burglary
* Embezzlement
* Extortion
* False pretenses
* Forgery
* Fraud
* Larceny (grand or petty)
* Malicious destruction of property
* Receiving stolen goods (with guilty knowledge)
* Robbery
* Theft (when it involves the intention of permanent taking)
* Transporting stolen property (with guilty knowledge)

Against Government Authority:

* Bribery
* Counterfeiting
* Fraud against revenue or other government functions
* Mail fraud
* Perjury
* Harboring a fugitive from justice (with guilty knowledge)
* Tax evasion (willful)

Against People, Family or Sexual Morality:

* Abandonment of a minor child (if willful and resulting in the destitution of the child)
* Adultery (see INA 101** repealed by Public Law 97-116)
* Assault (this crime is broken down into several categories, which involve moral turpitude):
      o Assault with intent to kill, commit rape, commit robbery or commit serious bodily harm
      o Assault with a dangerous or deadly weapon
* Bigamy
* Contributing to the delinquency of a minor
* Gross indecency
* Incest (if the result of an improper sexual relationship)
* Kidnapping
* Lewdness
* Manslaughter:
      o Voluntary
      o Involuntary, where the statute requires proof of recklessness
* Mayhem
* Murder
* Pandering
* Prostitution
* Rape (including “Statutory rape” by virtue of the victim's age)
* Sodomy

Crimes Involving Attempts, Aiding, Abetting, Accessories and Conspiracy:

* An attempt to commit a crime deemed to involve moral turpitude
* Aiding and abetting in the commission of a crime deemed to involve moral turpitude
* Being an accessory (before or after the fact) in the commission of a crime deemed to involve moral turpitude
* Taking part in a conspiracy (or attempting to take part in a conspiracy) to commit a crime involving moral turpitude
Answer #2

Dear msjc7,
It is a legal concept in the USA, which refers to “conduct that is considered contrary to community standards of justice, honesty, or good morals. Sue…good luck

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