Does having mono affect other parts of my health?

After having mononucleosuis for a month my physical health is still not good. Does my poor health have any effect on the rest of my health and why.

Answer #1

it can have an effect on you physical health like when my legs completely gace out doctors are still running tests because I tmight be related to when I had mono

Answer #2

I had Mono for almost 6 Months. It normally lasts about 2 or 3 months. But Some cases may last up to a year to fully recover.

Answer #3

The effects from mono can last for up to a year and you can get it again so be careful and rest up.

Consult your doctor.

xox Sika

Answer #4

To tell the truth after I had mono I was never the same. I got mono when I was 25. Prior to that I could go long periods of time on only 3 hours of sleep/night and I thought nothing of pulling several all-nighters durring finals. After mono I’ve always needed more sleep and even one all-nighter completely wipes me out. Before mono I could run around all day doing things from the time I got up until I crashed at night but after having mono I’ve always had to take naps or rest when I’m busy.

sika: my understanding is that after you have mono once that you can’t get it again. People who think they had mono more than once suffered from a different infection.

Answer #5

After you recover from mono, casued by the Epstien-Barr virus, you have to be careful about contact sports and such as your spleen and liver may remain swollen for up to six months after being asymptomatic.

Answer #6

After you recover from mono, casued by the Epstien-Barr virus, you have to be careful about contact sports and such as your spleen and liver may remain swollen for up to six months after being asymptomatic.

Answer #7

I agree with Filletofspam…I had mono when I was 16 (now 33) and I have NEVER been the same since. I used to be a morning person - I can’t wake up in the morning now to save my life. It’s hard because I have 3 kids and the mornings are killer for me. I have to take naps everyday or I get too wore out…

Answer #8

I got mono right now, and im still not better, because my spleen and liver levels where in the 300’s. which isnt good because normal levels are like in the 20’s or so. anyway; sika; you cant get mono more then once. it doesnt happen. its like chicken pox. get it once and your done. you can relapse though if your not careful. and if you have epstien-barr and you get blood tests it will show up that you have mono. and to answer your question its probably becuase you got very weak from having it and cant back to your normal self yet. give it time, it will work out.

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