Do you think it is going to be a mild winter or a harsh winter this year?

(For those who live in areas where they get winter) It was an extremely hot summer here in Ontario Canada this year and so far Fall has been pretty warm, will it continue?)

Answer #1

last year’s winter was the worst winter scotland has had in 100 years and i’ve heard that this year it’s going to be even worse, so ima guessin it will be harsh here

Answer #2

Wow! The worst in 100 years! That sucks! Our winter was about normal last year. I’m praying for mild winter this year!

Answer #3

i live in a top floor flatand from the 23rd of december till the 10th of january we didn’t have water beacuse it all froze up!

Answer #4

Im feeling like this winter may not be too bad.

Answer #5

Oh! Thats nuts! When I was little I recall losing power during the winter occassionally but that hasn’t happened for many many years. I’ve never had our water complately freeze! That would be horrible!

Answer #6

I like that answer! : )

Answer #7

:O Yaaayyy!

Answer #8

I live in Northwest England, where last winter was the worst for 10 years. It is a reasonable guess to assume it might be worse this year due to the effects of the extensive Eyjafjallajökull volcanic ash that drifted south from Iceland during Spring.

This will have reduced the intensity of sunlight reaching the earth, and reduced the summer heating of the sub soil.

I am expecting earlier frosts and snow, together with a later thaw.

Oh well, at least there is a good chance of a “White Christmas”.

– Best wishes - Majikthise.

Answer #9

yeah it sucked the ice went to like 6 inches and people had to abandon their cars at the side of the motorway and stuff!!

Answer #10

I think it’s going to be mild. It was getting really cold here, then all the sudden the temperature went back up. It’s November and a girl in my class yesterday was wearing shorts and a tank top, honest to God.

Answer #11

Boy, everybody thinks Canada is really cold and snowy but it sounds like England and Scotland were much colder and snowier last year. I like a little snow, but not too much, so you guys are very welcome to have it! ; )

Answer #12

We were a bit colder at the biggining of the month too and our temperatures have come up. During the day its still sweatshirt weather. the nights are starting to dro below freezing now. Yesterday was nice here (t.shirt weather) but definitely not shorts and tank top weather!

Answer #13

I think its gonna b kind of a mild winter cuz our summer was kinda warm

Answer #14

Here in Colorado, I think that It is going to be mild winter. Usually around here it starts snowing in october, right on holloween. And know it has been 2 years in a row that it has not happened and last year it was perty mild. Ussually we get a lot of snow, and the sun does not come out, now the sun is comming out everytime that there is a snowfall, but then again we berly got our first one.So yeah, chances are that it’s going to be amild winter.

Answer #15

Here it seems it’ll be a terrible winter, it’s already dropping below 0 at night. This is in the washington oregon area.

Answer #16

i totally argree with you. im the middle of england and its freezing now :|

Answer #17

We just had winter and it was the coldest one in a long while. It even snowed in some places in the country, which RARELY (if ever happens)

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