mom said that she's seriously thinking about getting me a rat

My mom said that she’s seriously thinking about getting me a rat… How do I make her say yes instead of no??? Please help! I’m DESPERATE.

Answer #1

Thanks, angelofdeath20048… But woops. I meant mice. Not rats… Sorry! But now she’s thinking of not getting me anything at all. That’s really not fair because I’ve been dealing with the fact that I couldn’t get an animal pet for like 5 and a half years… And… Well… I live with my grandparents too and they’re not letting me get a cat. My mom said that she’d rather get a cat instead of mice… So my grandparents are pretty strict about that. They don’t like ANYTHING with fur and they HATE dogs… So… Cats are my second choice… Can you help me? I really want my mom to get me either a pet dog, cat, or mice… I know. I’m screwed. But please. I’m desperate.

Answer #2

My mom said that she MIGHT get me a pet mouse. Or mice. But I want her to say yes for SURE. How do I make her say yes instead of NO???

Answer #3

Well just keep asking her and if she has any doubts about it, tell her that rats make excellent pets because they do, I had two and they were the sweetest most loveable things, a little adventurous like most animals, but they are great, and if they are nippy when you first get them then just keep handling it, I had to with my hooded rat but once we got a trust bond…she was great. Also don’t believe any bull about albino animals being mean, they are very sweet I had an albino rat and she always looked forward to me coming home after school and cuddling with her. All in all just tell her they make great pets for all ages because they do, and they are quite clean.

Answer #4


Answer #5

Thank you sooo much, angelofdeath20048! With your help, I now have a cute, furry, lovable, wonderful hamster. Her name is Coco and she is brown! Thank you SOO much, once again!

Answer #6

Well so it doesn’t bite you when you try to hold it, make sure it feels secure in your hands, once you get a hold on it put it in your hand and cup your hand over it so it can’t get away and will feel safe. The way to tame it is to just hold it and pet it a lot and how it a lot of love and treats are a good way to bond with your pet. Name it on its personality too.

Answer #7

Okay! Thanks! My mom bought me a mouse cage and she helped me fix it up a little bit! I think we might go get mice this weekend! But… Another question… Are mice better or are hamsters better? Because I want a pet that I can cuddle and they won’t mind… I REALLY want a pet that I can cuddle!

Answer #8

Well if your grandparents main concern is the fur and the mess, cats and mice are actually very clean animals, I’ve had three mice before as well and a cat now and the pick up after themsevles pretty much. And although mice don’t make good of pets as rats they are pretty entertaining and clean animals, and as long as you keep them in a secure enclosure they won’t get out of you. Besides, if its your pet, its your responsibility not theirs so they don’t have anything to worry about or complain about. I went through this with my grandma, as long as its your pet its your responsibility so they won’t have to lift a finger, so they have nothing to worry or complain about. Start out with trying to get your mom to let you get something small like the mice…or a rat if you so desire, rats make excellent pets, and mice too. They both are low maintenance and you can go places and only have to give them plenty of food a full bottle of water and your all set no other worries except maybe cleaning the cage, but thats easy. I know for parents their main concern with a pet like mice or rats is: 1.mainenence- Rats and mice-very low 2.child responsibility- not much required with a rat or mouse just clean its cage feed and water it and hold it everyday and your all set. So really your parents or grandparents can’t complain if one you are taking care of the animal and not them and two if its in your room they don’t have to see it.

Answer #9

Oh my gosh! I’ve researched a LOT. I think I’m gonna get a hamster. But should I get a dwarf (if I do, I’m getting two) or a syrian??? I heard syrians are better but I’m not convinced. So please tell me which you think is better. I recommend only answering if you have had both… Dwarf or Syrian???

Answer #10

By the way… I’m not absolutely POSITIVE that the pet store I’m gonna go to has any Syrians… So I guess a Dwarf Hamster, it is. But how do you “tame” it and how do you hold and pet it without it biting you?

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