Mercury the element

What are sum interesting facts about mercury(element) and whats the normal phase? What family does it belong to

Answer #1

im assuming this is for some homework assignment?

well, I have my gr 12 chemistry and im going to collage for chemical engineering technologiest next year so ill help you if I can.

interesting fact: mecury is the only liquid metal at room temp. mecury was used in thermometers, mecury is posionous, mecury is created by rotting logs (when a dam is put in, and a woodland area is flooded, much mercury is created.

whats its normal phase? if by phase you mean state- then at room temp. mecury is a liquid

I dont know for sure, but I think mecury is a trasition metal.

Answer #2

isn’t the fact it is metal and, I think, it is magnetic. so it accualy attracts itself so it forms a sphere.(but it could be surface tension, not magnitism)

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