Maturity Of Teens

Can you tell me what you think about this statement: It doesnt matter how OLD you are, it’s about how MATURE.

Answer #1

yeah but would you date a five year old with the maturity of someone your age? no. so age does matter.

Answer #2

I agree with it. Hands down.

Answer #3

I think it’s true

Answer #4

uuhhm yea I don’t agree with that you should’nt mature when your a kid I don’t know how to explain it well your supposed to enjoy being a kid rather than an adult ://…

Answer #5

It’s true only to a degree. There are many things in life that can only be experienced and learned from with age. “Acting” mature and actually being mature through experience are quite different, however it is a good point you make because many people have to grow up very quickly, but it is a fine line that can always be tested.

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