Material Possession

This is probably a stupid question but I keep being told different things… What is a material possession?? Is it something you need or don’t need?? Or is it something that is just important to you??

Answer #1

It’s when you need material items to keep you happy… And that you can’t get enough

Answer #2

It’s probably something they keep near and very dear to them sort of like their most prized possessions.

Answer #3

It is something you like and want. but you can live without it. For instance- vera bradly purse, cd, radio, I pod, cable, make up. Ok I think you get it.

Answer #4

A material possession is anything physical that you possess. That is in contrast to spiritual possessions which are things that are spiritual in nature or things that are of the mind such as loving memories, feelings, etc.

        Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

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