Do you think people is more material now.

Do you think people is more material now than before.

Answer #1

Yes, And I think they are failing in being able to have a life outside of computers, ipods, Wii and things like that. a lot of people don’t seem to do well face to face with another person or enjoy being outside. Here is one thing that comes to mind, I was at a fishing rodeo last weekend in Pa. and my 4 yr old neice was having a blast, fishing, playing with other kids and running around, I over heard another child say to his grandfather “ Man I wish there was a tv here” I thought this was so sad, He did not have to like fishing but he was with his grandfather and brother and about 300 other kids. I just thougt it was really sad. It is upsetting to see that families are loosing the outlet of commcation because of material things.

Answer #2

Yess go to school and no one sees school as school its more like if it was a mall or sometype of fashion show and everyones always texting and ipods!!!

Answer #3

yeah…I know it just from my girlfriend

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