I was thinkin about joinin the marines

I was thinkin about joinin the marines once the summer is over. I’ve talked to a few people I know that are in it but I’m trying to learn as much as I can about it before I actually make the commitment. if anyone is in the marines just comment me or message me whichever one because id love to ask some questions

Answer #1

I’m not a marine but my cuzin iz. if your big on dicipline this is your way to go. they workout apx. 48-56 hours a day, then do drill pretty much the rest of the time. after a month of sitting out he and baker company got shipped to iraq. he was hit twice in the battle of Fallujah and once in the battle for Baghdad. he really came back a hero. left a partying crazy kid. came back a diciplined man. problem is the only job he could get when he got out was being a cop, not a bad job but not the best paying. it’s a good way to go, but I’d talk to soldiers before I talk to a recruiting officer. mind you this is a decision that will shape the rest of your life. It’s good but not for me; I’m doing the Navy

Answer #2

If you’re still in high school, don’t people go in from the marines and have a little presentation thing in the cafeteria?

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