Answer #1

A mantra is a sound, syllable, word, or group of words that is considered capable of “creating transformation.

Answer #2

A mantra is a word, a sentence, a short poem, a short song or any other short sequence of language that is used as a focus for meditation in several Asian religions (Buddhism, Sikhism, Hinduism, Jainism).

Something to focus your mind on. Kind of like a prayer. But not exactly the same. If you watch a movie about the far east and someone meditates, they always say “Ommmmmm”. This “Ommm” is a mantra. (But I don’t know whether real people say “Ommmm”when they meditate.)

Answer #3

Like ‘’Om Mani Padme Hum’’?…

Answer #4

Well I have the mantra “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya” tattooed across my ribs in sanskrit. A mantra is something you can focus on that can help you unwind and meditate.

Answer #5

Yes. Or like… “Hare hare krishna krishna hare hare”

Answer #6

“Mantra” in my language means to caste a spell. not exactly… but it can be used like this: “tyo bokchi laa auta mantra banyo ani tyo mancha bholee moryo.” this translates to “that witch said some random stuff (mantra) and that man died the day after. priest, gurus, witches, lamas etc… read mantras when meditating or when doing something religious or u know when casting spells or in an exorcism etc.

om mane pame omm is a very famous mantra it’s used during meditating and also in prayers. and yes i think most people use it. I don’t know its exact meaning but i have a bracelet that has om mane… on it lol.

i don’t know how this word started being used in English but i presume it me the same thing.. hope this helped

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