How to make your hair grow thicker?

I heard from quite a few people that getting a hair cut every couple of months will make it grow more. except doesn’t hair grow from the roots, not the tips. I wud’nt have thought it would make any difference.

Answer #1

Vitamins just for your hair and nails make it grow thick and long. Also if you cut your split ends the week you see them, your hair will also get thicker. This sounds crazy, but I have a friend that would put miracle grow in and all over her hair before she went to bed and would wash it out in the morning. It worked.

Answer #2

I’m native american… when the babies in our family turn 5 months old we shave their head so it grows out thick. I don’t think you should do that as an adult though lol.

Answer #3

Dear fishpop_rave, You are correct. The hair grows from the roots out. Getting it cut will make it look much healthier taking away the scruffy looking ends. When it comes to hair eating and proper vitamins is very important. The amount it grows depends on genetics and good health. I’ve had long hair my entire life and it is still healthy looking even at my age because I never miss my vitamins. Sue…good luck

Answer #4

lol, you’re right - nothing makes hair gro faster than six inches a year.

Answer #5

theres this shampoo you can buy called main and tail…it works I had hair to butt within 2months!!!

Answer #6

eat vitiams

Answer #7

If you are looking for natural hair growth/regrowth you can also try

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