Puting eye make up on?

I need tips and ideas for puting on make up. I have a lot of stuff.I want to see what ideas guys have,girls to.

Answer #1

Keep in mind, this is me assuming your pretty new to make up so, I kept to the basics.

It depends on how your face works. Ha, that sounds funny. :P but seriously, you gotta take care of your face in order to get a decent makeup job. Annoying, isn’t it? This is gonna be long… Sorry about that…

Anyways, if your FACE is OILY then you need to get some wipes (not baby wipes, special medicated whips at the drug store made especially for facial use)or something else to clean it. It also helps if you wash it regularly, this means soap and hot (ish) water (hot water opens your pores so the soap can clean em) and splash cold water on your face after (this closes your pores so no new dirt can get in there). This alone should improve your overall facial appearence.

If your FACE is DRY, invest in moistener (because every dry patch of skin turns into clumps of make up. its bloody annoying.) But you need to apply it in advance to your foundation because then it will just be oily (half hour at least and whip off your face first and do your whole face, dry parts or your face will steel moisture from other parts so give em all some tender loving care) . washing your face is important here to, and take off dead skin cells.

Yay, now were on to actual makeup! When it comes to FOUNDATION…

  • You gotta buy decent stuff or its going to clump or look powdery (and the goal of foundation is to make you look like you naturally have awesome skin :P) and decent doesnt have to cost 20 bucks. I use Maybelline dream matte mouse and that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg and I like how it works (lasts forever to.)
  • Pay attention to the shade, get as close to your skin tone as possible so its less noticeable. -Add more to your problem areas (and make sure it doesn’t look clumpy, a little clumpy in your bathroom turns into really clumpy in sunlight or florescent light.) problem areas count include under your eyes (tired lines), pimples, scars, etc, you get the idea. -if you do end up with clumpy, add a VERY LITTLE amount of lotion to that area and then even it out.

After your foundation is done I would suggest a POWDER Just to even things out and cover any spots you miss (mineral is awesome, wont dry your skin out like most powders). I would suggest you use a brush and then just blend it with your fingers after rather than use a pad (I could never get those to work for me.

EYESHADOW is tricky, I know people who can go out in bight colors and I hate em for it. Makes me look like a cheep w.h.o.r.e, I have to stick with darker colors. So, you gotta experiment with colors on your own. Also, if you find it tricky to apply, you can buy eyeshadow prints at the drug store that work kinda like wash off tattoos. And don’t go up to your eyebrow with it, its just…wrong… in my opinion. OH, and wash the damn stuff off EVERY NIGHT because I had a friend who didnt and it actually stained her eyelids. Just a tip.

EYELINER & MASCARA are basically trail and error. though I suggest putting the eyeliner closer to the inside (doesn’t smudge as easy that way.) and pinning your hair back when you apply mascara (I don’t know how I do it bu I always end up with a little black in my hair :P) . Also, carry something with you, a Q-tip or your foundation for if the eyeliner smudges, its not attractive and makes you look really sleep deprived.

OVER! it’s basically just experimenting and figuring out what you like on you. Take a weekend day where your not doing anything and give it a whirl. And everything on here is pretty much basic, figure that out before you try and go all fancy.

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