Puting eye make up on?

I have blonde hair and brown eyes. I just got a new hair cut so Im trying to find a “new look”. What color eyeshadow should I use?? Thanks

Answer #1

I also think that a nice grey color would look niice;)

You should apply eyeliner!! Eyeliner would look niice. I suggest chacoal color! ^_^

Answer #2

I love bright vibriant colors but nothing drastic get something that will compliment your skin tone as well as your hair eye shape ect. makeup isnt as easy as everything thinks it is if you want it to look right but its not as difficult as some make it either…just go by what you think looks nice but I love EXOTIC colors sometimes I even do multiple colors if im wearing blank and white it give my outfit a kick! lol…hope this helps oh and also try instead of eye liner puting eye shadow on the lower lid it can do wonders

Answer #3

Mess around. Try different colors. But blue or Natural Tans&Whites would be beautiful. I usually make my eye shadow match my outfit. I think your hair color and eye color could go with anything over the rainbow. :) Just have fun with it!

Answer #4

I agree with rainbow021. but since your a blonde (like me!) I would go for a smoky gray color. it usually looks good. :]

Answer #5

well the colours that work best with brown are blue and purple you could also try green or black using the same colour eyeshadow as your eye colour wont make your eyes stand out

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