How to talk to my major crush?

I REALLY LIKE THIS GUY THAT GOEs TO MY SCHOOL!! HE is a senior and im a sophmore and I dont know him really but everytime I see him I get butterflys and I know his name and everything and I know he has a girlfriend but I want to be his friend and have a good relationship and maybe date him later what should I do to talk to him?? Seriously because I am worried what he will say! I have a MAJOR crush on him!

Answer #1

I have had this exact same problem! I see him in the hall all the time and I get butterflies, too. I’m in 8th, he’s in 9th. I decided to tell him that I dig him. I haven’t yet because It would be awkward to tell him on a monday. Here’s some tips I’ve learned from other places:

  1. Find him when he’s alone, it makes it less awkward.
  2. Be straightforward and confident.
  3. Be ready fro rejection, he may say no.
  4. Think about what you want to say beforehand. Don’t recite a memorized speech, though. That would be weird.
  5. Last of all, be yourself! Just by telling him, it shows you have courage.

Gotta go! Hope this helped. Just funmail me if you need more advice or someone to talk to. I’m going through the exact same thing!

                                                                               --Drum Diva:)
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