Should I major in criminology or elementary education?

I’ve changed majors many times during college. Now I’m half way done with my junior year and still unsure. I think I’ve settled on these two. i can see myself enjoying a job in either field. My scholarship will only pay for 8 semesters of school so after 3 more semesters I will have to pay out of pocket, that’s why I can’t afford to be indecisive anymore.

Answer #1

Well which do you enjoy better? Which do you see yourself doing as a career for a long time? Speak with an advisor or just think about it deeply… You have the answer inside you.

Answer #2

Which one has more job prospects?

Answer #3

Starting from your interests, which one do you like more? Also you can seek advice to the teacher, in the final decision to choose which direction

Answer #4

Hi buddy :

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Answer #5

Criminology. DO EET!

NAO! be awesome for life O_O

Answer #6

If you people call me ‘buddy’ one more time… ..!

Answer #7

Both fields have reasonably good job prospects (although where you want to live might make a difference, which you could look into).

What kind of work would you want to do with a criminology degree? (I assume that with an elementary education degree you would teach young children.)

Now try this: Imagine yourself in each of those jobs (one at a time). Imagine what your day would be like, how your life might be different when you’re not at work. Think about the institutions you would work in, and the client populations you would work with -parents and students, or victims and criminals. Think especially about who your colleagues would be that you would work with all the time every day and form friendships with.

Does that help you identify your preference?

Answer #8

choose something that you like and make it your passion =) if you do this you’ll end up always on top

Answer #9

Well, let me see if i can help.

First, criminology is a great feild to go into, although probably harder to find work than education is. It’s also a high stress job, so if you can’t handle stress very well, don’t choose this one. You are always busy with this choose as well, it’s definately more advanced than education. But if you have an interest in it, and you think you could do it, go for it. It’s a great choice, and i think you would have fun with it. And i could tell you more if i knew you, but i don’t..

Elementary Education is also a awesome choice. It’s WAY more laid back than criminology. If you like kids, do this. If it were me, i would do this. I love kids! But it can be stressful too. A room full of kids can be a handful. You have to have patience and be kindhearted. The perks of being a school teacher are cool too, depending on what kind of education, you could get the whoile summer off. If you wanted to be like a year-round teacher at like a day care or so, you’re not as flexible. It pays less though, so if you want more money, go with criminology.

I hope you read this and really think about your options, because they are definately different choices. Or you could also major in criminology and minor in elementary education so if you changed your mind, you could do both. Or teach young kids about criminals & things, that would be cool.

Answer #10

Crimiology It’s a way better salary

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