lyed to him

Does anyone know what I can do? Well you see yes I no I was a really stupid girl by doing this and if I could go back in time now I wouldnt have done it but theres this lad and I lyed to him about a lot of things they were onli small things but still I have to meet up with him and I think my parents cud be meeting him like hes onli a friend and I dont want them to find out I lyed and before people start callin me stupid for lying yes I no but is there anythin I can do to get out of it? and please dont say just tell him the truth thats not a option

Answer #1

Explain and come clean abt everyhting you might feel stupid but don’t smile abt it let him know that your reele sorri and that it want happen again and that if you have to work on gaining his trust to be as close as you were well than thas what ull do =] hope I helped but please return the favor plzzz answer my latest question plzzz

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