Lovestruck? But heartbroken?

Im 17 and this is tha 1st tyme I fell head over heels 4 this guy.hes mi x now. I cnt get over him.I cry mislf 2 sleep everynite.I think bout him constatly.hes and lve w/ another.I cry I hte mislf bc shes more pretty than hrts so mch.they broke up and im sad bc hes heartbrkn.I just want him 2 b hppy idc how bad I hrt I just want him 2 b hppy.shuld I get him bck w/her?I want 2 bc he hppy w/her.he nos I hve feelns 4 I decided snce I lve him 2 let em go and if he lves me then hel cum I and lve?

Answer #1

WOW… the l33tsp3@k is killing me there. All I can say is… time will heal your wounds. Plus your too young to be totally in love forever. Play the field for a while. There are a lot of great people out there. I was totally in love in high school. Two months after I went to college, I couldn’t even remember why. Found another great girl. She broke my heart, and it took 6 months to get over. Eventually you’ll look back and see that some of it’s good, and some of it’s bad. But at least you had the love.

Answer #2

loook if you love someone truly then laug it off because faith will bring them bac to you..n if it don’t then someone else will find you…if him\her leavesz you den ther ish someone else that feel the sme way bout you try to find that person and give them a chnce you nvr know thtu mite fall in love agen!

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