Are a lot of girls fake in highschool?

Answer #1

Yes. A lot of people are fake everywhere.

Answer #2

Somewhat, but just know it’s because highschool are the years where people find their identity.

Answer #3

Yes and at your bus stop, or coffee shop, and in elementary school, or in college, and on the streets and inside malls. Fake people are everywhere.

Answer #4

Not much more than in other places. But teenagers are often insecure and try to impersonate things that they aren’t. Not because they want to be fake, but because they think people expect them to be something, and they want to live up to peoples expectations.

So if you meet someone and you think that they are faking someting - like faking to be cool or faking to be expert at anything, don’t say that girl’s fake i want nothing to do with her… Just try to get to know them better and then decide wether you like the real person underneath. If you manage to make your friends comfortable around you, they will drop all the shells and be themselves. A lot of them are only scared that everyone will think badly of them if they aren’t outstandingly great. So they fake being outstandingly great.

Some people however are fake because they like to manipulate and because they like to draw attention. They want to be the center of the world. If you meet one of those and you feel that they keep being fake and insist on being something better… even after you offered them normal , friendly eye-to-eye level contact then you should find other people to spend your time with. You don’t want to spend your high school time in the orbit of a shiny pretender.

Answer #5

Yes! & I think esp in high school cause they want to be excepted by popular people and to be in the right clic so they don’t feel left out. They think If they show anything vaunerable to esp kids at that age, they won’t understand or make fun of them!!!!

Answer #6


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