lost and lonely

ok im 22 and I’ve been seperated from my ex about 4 months now before that we were together for a little over 2 years. it took a couple of days to get over it and I thought I was until about a month ago I seen her sister and everything came flooding back. we lived together for about 3 months and then we had to move out so she moved in with her mom a couple of towns over and I moved back in with my parents. at the time I was unemployed and very rarely had the gas to go over and see her so the only way to keep in touch was by phone. which was hard considering the fact that the only phone she had access to was her mom’s cell phone and her mom kept it off for day’s at a time. so we wouldn’t talk for day’s even a week at a time and usually I would save up enough money to go over and see her. I started thinking she didn’t care because I was the only one trying to see each other. so I started not to care as much and a couple of day’s before the break up I was frustrated with the way my life was going my parent’s and me were not getting along and I was just tired of it all so when I talked to her I went off about going to california because that’s always been a dream. she asked if she could go and I just shook my head well she took that as I broke up with her but I didn’t find out until a couple of day’s later when she sent me a text telling me to have a nice life so I rushed over to her house and started to talk to her. she said she still loved me but we needed a break and I tried to stop it but couldn’t and then I thought to myself I’m free but I loved her so much and I sacrificed a lot to be with her went through a lot of bs and did cause I loved her and I know she has another boyfriend but a big part of me want’s her back but everybody tells me that leaving her was the best thing and I’ve got a lot of things that would go out the window if I did like college and the career that I want to get into what should I do?

Answer #1

This girl gave up to easy which means she wants into you as much as you were to her. It sounds like you do love this girl, but dont you realise you wont get the same in return, you feel as tho you put in all the effort to see her and she hardly called? you went to her needing to discuss openly how you feel about the relationship and how you are going thru a rough time and she took that as an opportunity to end things, and not even to your face? and she has another bf! doesnt that show you she doesnt care for you becos she didnt stick by you did she? you deserve to find someone who will love you and stand at your side no matter what life throws at you, and its going to take some time to get over her, but you will in time, time heals everything.

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