Losing my virginity.

My boyfriend & I have been dating for about a month now. He’s sixteen & I’m fourteen. He’s fingered me before, but when I snuck out w. him the other night he fingered me way way harder & way way way way way way longer than usual. (For like 2hours]. &I was really sore the next day. We plan to actually have sex this weekend - but I’m a virgin. Will it still hurt even though he fingered me really really really hard? *And don’t try to say it’s a bad idea, I’m too young, we haven’t been dating long, ect, ect, because I have made up my mind. I love him and trust him more than anything <3

Answer #1

Hi, I’m 14 and my boyfriend is 15 and we have been going out for about a year now and are planing to have sex for the first time tomorrow. I’m pretty scared about the pain, any way I think if you love him enough then you should go for it I’ve read from some people that it hurts but if you lay on your back then it wont hurt as much, you should defenatly use a condom and maybe some lube. hope I helped :)

Answer #2

Haa, I’m not pathetic. 1. I don’t think I’m too young. 2. We’re in love, no bull. We’ve only been going out for a month. but he’s been my bestfriend since we were in diapers.

Answer #3

no offense but this is pathetic. even yu know yur to young not long enough of a relationship.. etc. but to answer yur question I think it depends on yur bodyy if itll hurt or not. probably will. Peace.

Answer #4

well normally I would suggest waiting a little longer because you havent been together too long … I mean its not the end of the world if you do wait… but since your sure you wanna do it and you love him then ill tell you the answer to your question. well it may still hurt considering that a finger isnt as big as a penis but it differs with everyone. what you should do is tell him if hes hurting you and take it slow. when he was fingering you you should have done the same. if he really loves you he wont want you hurting and will be glad your telling him. hope I helped and funmail me for further advice… ~kaitlyn~

Answer #5

I wont say eny of that end shyt… everyone did that to me, my boyfriend turned 17 the 13th… and im 14 15 on the 24th, but we have had sex(not my 1st time) but I can promise you, you WILL be sore for the first couple of times… but after awhile you’ll get used to it, but if he goes to far in he might pop your cherry so be careful and if he does you hard then it will hurt, and you will be sore afterwards hunni, sorry…

oh and when you feel like you gotta pee hold it in as long as you can, but when you let it out dont worry its not pee!!! its a chicks version of cum… but have fun and be safe

good luck

Answer #6

if you really love him I dont see why you cant. and yes it will still hurt. probaly a lot more depending on his size.

Answer #7

hmm im 14 too but im not a virgin, yes it will hurt, a lot but hun it’s better to get it over with, once the pain is gone, OMG baby it’s I can’t even explain how nice it feels. 1 month is kinda eh but it’s your choice.

Answer #8

yeah it will probably still hurt and you’ll still be pretty sore the next day but that depends on how big he is. if he isn’t very big then it will hurt a lot less and it also depends on your pain tolerance.

Answer #9

first your stupid and second yes it will hurt

Answer #10

What ever makes you happy I guess… SE SAFE THOUGH… Yes it will still hurt a little… You might regret it later

Answer #11

please don’t do it. you will regret it in the long run.

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