losing a friend over him

ok so I started liking this guy and I heard that he liked me too. it pissed my best friend (a guy) off that I was spending time with this “other guy”. when me and this “other guy” decided to try dating, my best friend stopped talking to me! he ignores me and wont answer my calls. I was really upset about it but I decided to get over it becuase he was bein an asshole, but now im getting mixed signals, he waved to me and the hallway then ignores me then he tells my sister (there still friends) that he wants to b my friend still. but hes telling other people that he doesnt, he hates me! I dont understand whats going on in his head. any suggestions that could help my understand?

Answer #1

Sit down with him and have a long talk about what it is that’s bothering him. It’s not uncommon for friends - especially close friends - to feel left out and abandoned when one of they’re friends finds a love interest. Talk it out if you can but really its up to him if he wants to reconcile. Maybe he has some feelings for you and is jealous? Always possible and a lot more complex to sort.

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