looking for advice about my pit bull

Hi I have an 8 mnth old female pit bull and 4 children.I love her a lot but I am alittle concerned,as of lately she has shown to be bold with my 10 yr. old son(for instance if when asked to take her out ,he goes to take ahold of her collar she shows signs of rebelliun) also this week we visitd family who has 2 dogs at first it was just running and playing then turned into showing of teeth and growls, and she just seems to be alittle timid around other people until she feels secure but her response is barking tail between legs and sometimes tinkling on the floor.I thought we had been doing a good job on socializing but as of late I’m not so sure.The thought of finding a new home sadens me greatly but I don’t want to put my children at risk or cause them to be fearful of her.thanks Nicole

Answer #1

At 8 months, she probably IS showing some rebellion…dogs have several periods in their young lives when they test their leaders. Instead of your son grabbing her collar, have him snap a leash on her and take her out, and then take her off the leash. Have him make her sit, then use a word like “come” so she will start going outside with a command rather than a “demand”…

The tail between the legs, and spontanious urination is a submissive posture…she IS shy…and a dog bite from a fearful dog is just as hurtful as one from an aggresive dog. Ask people to NOT make a deal out of meeting her…no eye contact, no words…let them talk to YOU, and ingore the dog until her comfort zone is appeased. (I’ve had to do this with a couple of my GSD’s)…it allows time for them to make up with a stranger.

I can’t tell you if she’s actually being aggressive when playing…I’d have to be there to see…Dogs play fight…and that can include a show of teeth and LOTS of noise…one way to tell is to watch the other dog (dogs are very keen on what’s happening in the middle of a play fight, they are masters at doggie body language…if the other dog shows signs of fear, then you MUST step in to get the excitment level lower…dogs go from low excitment to high level in a fraction of a second…For a while I’d watch so I could get a feel for what she’s up to…

There’s a type of training called NILIF (Cesar uses it, but doesn’t call it a name)…what it stands for is “Nothing in Life is Free”…that means when you feed her, she has to do something…sit, speak, whatever you choose…if she wants outside, she has do something…WHATEVER she is wanting, she must perform some action…living under NILIF will also lift your kids to a leadship role in her eyes, rather than just “fellow puppies”…


Answer #2

abuse has nothing to do with it. Dogs live in the moment and all dogs can be corrected. With this breed you need to start training them young and let them know you are the leader. Do not allow unwanted behaviour, not even for one second. As soon as you see this happening you need to correct her. She needs to be well socailized and around new places, sounds and people. I cannot tell people enough how much I recommend Ceaser “the dog wisper” I have two chihuahua’s, Aussie, and a Rottie all under the same roof with no problems, and I work at a vet hopistal and everything I have learned I have used and it has worked. You must also watch your engery and what kind of message you are sending out. It is a common mistake that people think a dog does or may act a certian way because it may have been abused. This may be a good reason to identify a problem, but not to leave with it, because now you and the dog are not living a happy life. you need to show this dog leadership and what it”s purpose is in your household. To allow bad behaviour go because you think a dog was abused is the worst thing you could do for the animal. Good luck and it does take hard work. You have to be commited and I am sure you were or you would have never choosen such a domiant breed.

Answer #3

she is still pretty young…and she could have been abused before you got her

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