How long (time) should it take a 13 year old to run 5 miles?

is 14 minutes too long?

Answer #1

It doesn’t matter how old you are, it matters how fit you are and what kind of exercise you are use to. Over time your tolerance will build up for running and you will be able to complete the distance in less time and with less effort. Aka, there is no ‘normal’ or ‘recommended’ time to run 5 miles, it all depends on the person and their life style.

Answer #2

Impossible to run 5 miles in 14 minutes. Or did you mean 14 minutes per mile? That sounds more like it but it’s still pretty good. . Marathon runners can do 5 or 6 minute miles, which means it would take them 25 to 30 minutes. I know someone who has been running for two years now, training for a marathon, and she is doing a 9 to 11 minute mile, which means five miles would take her anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour.

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