What is the best thing about where you live?

Country, city, town, home, village…

Answer #1

The weather…

Answer #2

The dangers of north st. Louis no just kidding um actually how nice are suburban areas mainly.

Answer #3

There you go rubbing in the good life, again.. Lucky man!

Answer #4

I live in orange county in CA it’s fun to eat out in different restaurants. And of course the weather here is awsome!

Answer #5

Lol haha it was sooooo nice out today lol

Answer #6

It would be really cliche if I said the Arch, so I won’t. In my opinion, one of the best parts about my city is that we’re a baseball town. When the Cardinals play it’s insane, the whole city’s got red fever. We also have Forest Park, which is our own mini Central Park that has an outdoor skating rink, a beautiful outdoor summer theatre, a free zoo that’s considered one of the best in the country, a beautiful glass building called the Jewel Box, an art and history museum, and a huge hill that everyone goes to sled on in the winter, among other things. Sorry about the long-winded answer, but St. Louis has gotten a really bad rap, and I feel like people think that’s it’s just one giant ghetto. In reality, there are parts of the city that are very beautiful and historic.

Answer #7

daaaang! We’ve had an onslaught of rain, for like a week straight.

Answer #8

The best thing about my town is that when you are walking down the streets you often see tweakers talking to themselves and its a riot. Seriously though, besides all the tweakers, run down buildings and terrible weather my town is super friendly. We dont judge people as most other places and are very accepting.

Answer #9

So since people “think” that it’s one giant ghetto, Is it fair to say: That it’s one giant nice utopia ghetto? __– I’m only kidding!

Answer #10

The best thing about my city…Easton.

Answer #11

Yes, a utopia ghetto :p

Answer #12

I live in South Carolina What I love about where I live is the weather It’s Warm/hot and (I LOVEEEE the heat.) The Food is AWSOME!! Ofcouse I live in the South(which has the best cooking ever!!) Andd it’s really clean & green here in South Carolina :] ( I wonder why they call in the “dirty South, most Southern states are really Clean) :]

Answer #13

i live in englands 2nd city and we would have been the capital but we didnt have a dock and i speak and pronounce real english as the midlands were 1 of the 1st to do it back in 650 or something.

oh and the scots wiped out the roman 9th spanish legion.

rule britannia.!

Answer #14

I’ve been here for so long that I don’t even know_- lmao

Answer #15

I’d say….the environment…

Answer #16

I’d have to say the fact that my town is small. Due to it being small there’s not tons of noise. You don’t hear ambulances, fire trucks, or police cars the whole day like you do in a huge city. When you go to sit outside to relax, you seriously can. You can literally hear the wind flowing through the trees. The air is fresh and pretty clean. If you need to go somewhere, everything is within walking distance too. It can be a pretty place to be, even if we don’t have much here.

Answer #17

I close my eye’s & picture home…

Answer #18

i have my family near

Answer #19

Sorry for the long post! Well my real hometown is NYC, aka The Big Apple…It has a little of everything…it’s fast paced, beautiful in some places really disgusting in others…but I lived in the suburban area called Forest Hills Queens. I could show you pictures of how many beautiful gardens and green area’s confuse the fact that NYC has 5 boroughs. None are in comparison to where I am living part time right now. I am temporarily living abroad, here the weather has 9 months of summer which means heat & more humid heat! The beaches are amazing & it is truly a paradise! The one thing that ruins it is it’s reputation…the people here! Because they all come from different backgrounds, they have different customs and are very racial. So if you are from the middle east parts of the world they have issues with you. If your from the European backgrounds your treated like royalty. Problem is I am Mixed…So I am stuck in the middle & we all know what that means…I mean if everyone just learned to get along & live & let live I think this country would be an amazing place because it really has a little of everything in it. Culture, good food, history, beautiful sites to visit, the tropical trees & flowers are breathe taking…the wars on the other hand have caused the people to be so bitter…Every family has lost someone dear to them. A husband, a father, a brother, a sister or their children due to wars. I pray for peace…everywhere around the world! May there be no more wars on this earth! Amen!

Answer #20

The peace and quiet. :)

Answer #21

Same thing where I live. Its not to big so you don’t have a lot of the issues that seem to come naturally with a higher populated area. A lot less crime, cleaner air, and less noise. Being able to walk just about anywhere w/o having to worry about being mugged is nice - doesn’t really matter what time of the day or night it is. In fact once you get a bit out of town you have more to worry about from the 4 legged critters than the 2 legged :P.

The draw backs being we get left on the end of the tech curve. Last to see 4G (still polishing off getting GOOD 3G service here :P). Last to see new internet techs. And buying anything techy here is expensive and very small selection.

But at the same time I can a 20 min drive can put me in the middle of no where with no people I have to deal with :D. Just trees and lots of dirt bike trails.

I have visited several larger cities. Drove from Montana to Atlanta, Georgia and had some fun in between. Spent a week in Denver, Co. But I wouldn’t want to live in any of the cites we stopped in. Just to many people. After 3 days in Denver I was going crazy with the number of people around me.

Answer #22

that my boyfriend is with me! :)

Answer #23

Oh man I wish we had that rain over here… :(

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