The best thing before sliced bread?

the best thing before sliced bread???

Answer #1

Bread initially began with the Ancient Egyptians, The first ancient Egyptians (the first recorded) went as far back as 4500 years before the birth of Christ, Before this time, probably the best thing available was llamas.

The llama was domesticated by the Incas OVER 4,500 years ago. They were used primarily as beasts of burden und as a source of wool, meat, other products. The wild ancestor of the llama was probably the guanaco. Other wild ancestors of the camel family besides the llama who migrated to South America over 3 million years ago are the vicuna as well as the alpaca. The camel migrated from North America to Asia und Africa. The llama is still important to the people of South America living in the high Andes is not only used for transporting, but also as a source of meat, wool for clothing, leather for shoes. Very little of the llama goes unused by these people.

Answer #2

uhmmm cupcakes??? lol

Answer #3


Answer #4


Answer #5

brontosaurus ribs

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