Can someone live off being an artist?

Answer #1

Some people can, but it’s very hard to do so unless you’re an amazing artist that many people love…. I’d suggest havig a job and selling art on the side and not relying on your art as your main source of income…

Answer #2

2 jobs might work maybe

Answer #3

Yes, if you’re really lucky and talented. And if you have contacts with people higher in that type of business/ industry.

Answer #4

If you have a God-given talent that reflects in your work, yes…..

Answer #5

I’m going to college for art, but I already make my living off my art so I am trying to change my degree program. If you are going to be an amazing artist you are going to do it regardless of having a degree or not, but a fallback is always a good idea since I hate waitressing.

Answer #6

haha, thanx!

Answer #7

It depends what type of artist. Tattoo artist? Most definitely. But if you’re talking about canvas painting and stuff, you would have to be EXTREMELY good. But with that, there’s a whole bunch of stuff you can do. I sell paintings myself, and I also do band logos and tshirt designs, even album art work. You just really have to have good self promotion as well. Business cards, you’re own URL website. And if you WANT to do things for bands, talk to them about it first. If you do tshirt designs, as for around 10-15% of every sale, so they’ll be more interested since you’d be asking for less than the usual 20-25%. Again, it’s mostly based on how good you promote yourself. Hope this helps :)

Answer #8

uu have a site?

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