Liposuction at 17

I’m 17 and am considering liposuction on my love handles to give my body a more feminine look. I used to be very slim and perfectly in proportion untill age 17. Am I letting vanity get the best of me and it it wrong to want a better figure? by the way my love handles aren’t big at all but just make my lower waist shapeless.

Answer #1

getting lipo at 17 is relly not a good option as a matter of fact it shouldnt even be option. There are better alternatives like maybe running around the house a few times ? seriously get off your lazy butt and do something about it because spending that much money at the age of 17 ? really think about it..

Answer #2

Liposuction is expensive and I think you are too young to get it anyway.

Why not try excersise??? You’ll get the same results for free. Surely at 17 you can’t be that lazy…

Answer #3

Very, very stupid in my opinion to change your body in anyway like that. Piercings,tattoos,brandings,scarification,and other body modifications like those…ART, but liposuction,breast implants,lip injections…MUTILATION!

Answer #4

No o-o

It’s not wrong to want to look good, but… Seriously, if you’re not REALLY FAT, there’s no need for that.

Plus, I think it’s kinda expensive…

No, don’t do it, seriously, don’t do it ._.

Answer #5

Just leave yourself alone you probably don’t look that bad.

Answer #6

Before you try anything you should speak with an experienced plastic surgeon and see what he will tell you.. be sure you find a reliable doctor that you can trust!

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