Left Handed ?

How come there are more right handed people then left because in most of my classes there are only me and 2more people which are left handed..?

Answer #1

Right handedness is the norm but a number of factors help determine handedness. There is a gene that babygirl1220 mentions that increases the odds of being left handed however it isn’t a recessive genes like the one that gives us blue eyes; having one copy of the gene raises your odds of being left handed and having two copies raises the odds more but even most people with both of these genes are right handed; just not as high a percentage as other groups. Babies exposed to high levels of testosterone develop more right brain neurons so it is more likely to take over new challenges causing the child to be left handed since the right brain controls the left side. Having impairment of the right hand can cause a child to develop as left handed and when the child regains use of the right hand they often do not change back. There is a condition called situs invertus where our anatomy is a mirror image of normal; that is their heart is on their right side instead of left and their appendix in on the left side instead of right. People with this condition are generally left handed.

It used to be believed that kids could be “cured” of being left handed. My mom went to school when this was attempted. She is left handed but whenever her teacher saw her writing with her left hand she was punished. She now can write with either hand but usually writes with her right hand and does everything else with her left. I’ve read of fathers who wanted their sons to be left-handed pitchers and tried to do the opposite and change their sons to being left handed by forcing them to use their left hand for everything.

Answer #2

I always believed that left handedness was so uncommon because previously children were punished for writing with their left hand.

This was attempted with my grandfather, however his father stepped in when he got his first beating.

In any case, there is no one cause for someone being left handed, the answers above give has a pretty good indication of why people are left-handed.

An interesting phenomenon in our family…almost all of my cousins are left handed, on both sides of the family. So am I and my brother.

Answer #3

Hello! No one honestly knows why there are way more right-handed people than left, or ambidextrous. There are various theories, but in 160 years of study, no facts have been discovered. So just view yourself being left-handed, as special! Take Care! Don

Answer #4

Being left handed is a recessive trait (not sure on the spelling there sorry). It’s the same as looking at brunetts vs red heads. There are far more brunetts then there are natural red heads. It doesnt mean you’re weird or wrong or anything its just tends to get over powerd by the right handed gene.

Hope that helps

Answer #5

I found this as I looking for an answer that would help me help you. “Division of labor is the most commonly accepted theory of handedness. The premise of this theory is that since both speaking and handy-work require fine motor skills, having one hemisphere of the brain do both would be more efficient than having it divided up. Also, if all functions were carried out in both hemispheres, the size of the brain and its energy consumption would increase, which is not affordable. Since in most people, the left side of the brain controls speaking, right-handedness would prevail. It also predicts that left-handed people would have a reversed brain division of labor.” as I think about it, when your a baby, you decide then what hand you use today. and we are all the same on the inside anyways! well I hope I helped a bit also.

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