Late on my period, could it be from a lot of weed smoking?

So I am 3 days late on my period and although I feel like I may start soon I feel super nervous about being late because my boyfriend and I are sexually active. We use protection about 99% of the time but about 2 weeks ago we started having sex without it, we didn’t finish and it was only for about a minute or two but I know that it is possible to get pregnant from pre-cum. But I could be late because I am a college freshman who is constantly stressing about school, and I take vivanse for my ADD.

The only other thing that I think could think of that may have an effect is that I smoke weed often, about 4-5 times a week. Could that have an effect on making my period late?

What other things could be responsible for a late period?

Answer #1

Smoking marijuana does not effect your period.

It could be the stress or even a medication you are on. Although, if you have been having unprotected sex, there is still a chance that you could be pregnant.

Take a test and know for sure. There’s no use in making yourself worry anymore, just take a test, then you can figure out what to do from there.

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice