Kinda chunky

Okay I know summers here, I havent done anything to get in shape, I need quick ways to slim down, I dont need to lose a lot just about 10 pounds. excersies, food, whatever just not drugs : ) in a short time

Answer #1

well just exersise.

Answer #2

omg me too! haha I go to the gym and do cardio and lift weights and I’ve been the same (120-125). I eat pretty healthy, but I eat a lot and I dont eat fast food but hey im maintain my weight haha. you should do a lot of cardio though and try eatin regular amounts of healthy meals/snacks.

Answer #3

you should run 1 lap around your block once a day

Answer #4

Try and do plenty of cardio every day, do at least half an hour a day and try and do extra like go on an exercise bike or normal bike for 10 mins or so about twice a day on top of your half hour.

Drink at least 2 litres of water (this will fill you up as well as flush your system out), eat high fibre foods and try and eat less. Eat salads with plenty of lettuce leaves as these will fill you up more, and try and stay away from carbs if you can help it :)

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