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This should help you, it’s been answered before:
MP3 player says I have 100 songs, but computer says 125? - 2 Answers
on my mp3 player I have 135 songs on there when it is on the computer it all there but when I take it off I have like 100 so...
What is the best prepaid phone under $100? - 4 Answers
What is the best prepaid cellphone under $100?
What is a 100% free website creater? - 2 Answers
like the one you can make on the new macs but on the internet and for a pc. please list some. but they must be 100% free! fre...
What if you deactivate your Faceb(OO)k account, can you get it back? - 2 Answers
I wanna deactivate my faceb(O_O)k account, but wanna acrivate later on, will I still have my settings/ friends est..or will i...
2gb ipod nano is $100 too high to sell it? - 5 Answers
I have a 2gb ipod nano (the tall/long one with round sides) and I have no more room on it and would like to sell it. I've had...
Why does j and k on my keyboard show up as numbers? - 1 Answers
I'm using a dif computer because I can't type on my main one. All of a sudden, some letters on my keyboard show up as numbers...
What are some touch screen phones from Verizon for $100 or less? - 1 Answers
I'd prefer somthing under a hundred but would go to like 150 or maybe a little more if its really good. (good for txting get...
Why is my CPU usage at 100%? - 8 Answers
I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit with 4 Gigabytes of RAM and I'm using 104/186 Gigabytes of Hard Drive Memory and I have...
How can you fix a high CPU usage (100%)? - 2 Answers
After having my laptop fixed the computer guy upgraded my laptop from Windows 7 to like windows 7.9 or something. Now wheneve...
Ipod Nano - 4 Answers
Hi, does anyone know where I can get an ipod nano for less than £100? Is it worth getting an ipod nano and also what sort of ...
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