Just.. Your opinion

Look, I knoo you’re probably just gonna tell me to take a prgnancy test, but before I do THAT… I just wanna knoo other peoples opinions. I dont need advice, im taking a free pregnancy test this weekend.. But okay, sooo.. I didnt get my period last month & im late for my period this month… But, I have noo symptoms & I cant think of any possible way I couldve got pregnant… Do you think it could just be bevause im only 17 and the period isnt regulated? Or, is that not possible because im 17? Anyyyone&everryones opinion matters :)

Answer #1

welll…have you had sex…were you near a man when he ejaculated…you dont necessarily have to have the DICK inside you to get pregnant…watch a movie called QUINCINERA and you’ll see..goodluck!

Answer #2

Relax, it is very probable that your periods are still irregular. You exact age is not the important thing, it’s how long ago you started having periods and whether they’ve basically been regular. And, did you know that worrying (or emotional stress, to put it fancy) often contribute to a delayed or missed period?

Not everybody has symptoms right away - the important thing is that if you were using some form of really safe contraception, you are highly unlikely to be pregnant.


Answer #3

tianna I think its a good idea to go to the doctors and rule any possibilities that you could be pregnant. im now 26 years old I fell pregnant at 16yrs old and I tell ya its hard, my daughter now 9yrs old is wonderfull but it can be very hard work,when you want to giv your child the best life you can.im still with the father of my daughter now for 11yrs so I am lucky to have him here everyday.

Answer #4

You can be pregnant and not experience ANY symptoms what so ever. If you are 2 months late, you would only be about 2-3 months pregnant. Some women go their whole pregnancy and never have morning sickness, sore breast, et. It’s normal.

Take a pregnancy test, if you have missed 2 periods, you should have taken one a long time ago.

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