Just Some Doggone Fun!

Which one do you think makes the better pet, a cat or dog? Or maybe neither. Or maybe you like fish. Fish look funny on a leash, though. You tell me, just make sure to tell me why.

Answer #1

I have 2 dogs and 1 cat, and I love them all more than anything. I think that if you have the time, patience and energy level, dogs definitely make excellent companions. If you don’t have as much time, cats are good because they don’t need to be groomed (as long as they have short hair), they use a litter box, and they eat whenever they feel like it. Cats can be excellent companions also, but some aren’t as affectionate and outgoing as others. MY cat is EXTREMELY easygoing AND affectionate, and he’s so awesome, lol. He plays with my 5 year old American Eskimo dog (he’s 7). My other dog is a lab/neufoundland mix who will be 14 in January, and she just watches them like they’re crazy, lol, but she was ALWAYS SUCH a good dog :)

Answer #2

Personally, I like dogs better than cats, but my family has always had cats. We’ve had a few dogs though. Dogs are fun to have because you can walk them and teach them tricks. Cats, on the other hand, are different. I suppose you could teach them tricks and walk them, somehow. But I’ve mostly grown up with cats. My opinion is both. Idk.

Answer #3

A Rat makes the best pet with a short life ( no long term commitment) and the fact they clean them selfs often through the day like a cat and Will play like a puppy I’d say the Rat. . . . Closely followed by the Cat.

Answer #4

Dogs are great for people who are home to take care of them and devote lots of time to them. They can go places with you, are loyal, trainable, and protectors. Cats are great for people who work all day or dont have the time to devote to taking an animal on a walk or outside every few hours to go to the bathroom. Both are awesome pets. You could always get a pet rock though, not much work, and he’ll out”live” you!

Answer #5

I have had one cat before, and with the experiance, it wasnt as playful as a dog, she was a very lazy cat. I think dogs are more better to have fun with. You can take them to the park, walk them, play in the yard, take them for carrides [ which they love , sticking there heads out the windows ] and depending on the type of dog you get, they could be watch dogs for your home. Depending on weather you would want someone to keep up with, keep in shape, have a best friend to do things with, i mean you can do anything with a dog, ive never seen cats out in public, then i suggest you go with a dog. lol or if you want someone who could be playful, calm and someone to relax with, id go with a cat, but i mean you can relax with a dog too. IMO, id have to go with the dog :) There are so many different breeds, and there is a best friend for everyone. Big, Medium, Small, fluffy, shaggy and rough. Gotta love the doggs :)

Answer #6

rabbits are also great pets!!!

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