How do I have fun with my hamster??

Hi, I’m having a hard time trying to play with my hamster… Every time I pick her up and try to hold her to my chest, she just tries to escape. And it feels kind of weird when I let her on the floor because she’ll just run away and I won’t be able to find her for a while (trust me, this has happened before)… Please help and give me ideas on what to do? I love her a lot, I just need some ways to play with her that is safe for both her AND me :) Thank you

Answer #1

put it in a hammy ball and roll it down da stairs

Answer #2

Thanks, taskells! I have taken your advice. I got a big cardboard box and I cut out little carboard boards and made little doors! :)

Answer #3

well, maybe she gets scared at times, you could let her play ina ball, or you could make a little house out of card board boxes, and cut doors to different boxes, it weill have fun exploring, I’ve done it, just keep an eye on her otherwise she could nore threw it!xxx taskells x

Answer #4

Yeah! Thank you all for all of your comments and advice! It’s just that I would LOVE to buy a playpen or something, but I just don’t have that kind of money… :( Keep the comments coming!

Answer #5

make an opsticle course and put the hamster in the ball and time it or you can have your friends that have hamsters/guinea pigs and have hamster races with them in their ball and you/your friends can design the tracks.

Answer #6

I have a robo dwarf hampster she is really smalland its really hard to get her out she got away before but I found her anyyywayy I love her and I try to hold her against my chest to but as you said they try to get away I guess they dont like to be held and cuddled :( so I just watch her run on her wheel and and feed her seeds. but if you want a small animal like that to cuddle id get a guinea pig best little animals in the world!

Answer #7

I used to have a guinea pig.. they sell at PETCO really awesome things you can use to play with your hamster like spinning balls and they have really cool houses for them and playgrounds :D

Answer #8

Yeahh they should sell a rabbit playpen at a pet store. They are used so you can play out side with your rabbit, so you can buy one of them, and just use one of those inside.

Answer #9

Ooh… That’s a pretty good idea… Hmm… A playpen. Oh, and I have a hamster ball. She runs like mad :)

Answer #10

Hamster ball? Or just make a small playpen (heheh, crazy idea. But it might work.

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