Just a random question, What would life be like without computers?

Just a random question, What would life be like without computers? Would it be simple? Or, hard? Just wondering what your thoughts might be. I know for me, I can’t imagine what life would be like if I didn’t have a computer to do all my assignments on for college, partisipate in forums, or be on sites like this one, or facebook. Imagine what it’d be like if you couldn’t speak to your friends online or anything. For those who are in Junior High, High school, or college like myself, just think what a hassele it would be like to do all your assignments from books, and hand written paper when you can do that all on a word processor. As you can tell, I’m very dependent on my computer. How about all of you?

Answer #1

If we didnt have computers Blerggher was right it would be total social chaos I mean people would actually have to write letters and talk face to face with each other. As it stands now, some times I wish I never had a pc but there are times when they are handy. If all tech. stopped working today, I could live with out it.

Answer #2

I only got mine 3 weeks ago - I’ve lived without it for 17 years I think I could cope

Answer #3

home work would be harder you would never meet people around thewourld information would be harder to come bye less video games comedy and hrder to reseach stuff

Answer #4

“just look at history: those people were a complete mess of economics. hahah”

uhm yeah, because the economy is going oh so great right now, it really is a good thing the computer came along to fix things…

Answer #5

It would be normal for every one. if the computer was never invented no one would miss it because it was never there. life would just go on and there would be different ways to get information

Answer #6

I am happy I purchased a computer a couple years ago, and greatful for the friends I have made across the u.s. and the world. but if it disappeared tomorrow, I wouldn’t consider it a great loss, the majority of my life still exists out in the real world, I have my boats, fishing rods, and firearms, as well as a creative mind, and the initiative to get outside and look around for things to do- so I could live very well without it. even if I had to actually write on a piece of paper with (omg) a pen or a pencil- my life would go on as it did before, and do I dare say it- maybe even correspond with my friends using an envelope and a stamp.

Answer #7

just look at history: those people were a complete mess of economics. hahah

but, really I agree with what neospike says. how can you miss something that isn’t there.? that holds true for a lot of things.

I’m just glad that there IS internet or else my homework and online cheat-sheets to help me would be gone so I would actually have to put personal effort into my work.

–haha, maybe not. but there would be A LOT more encylopedias checked out. I’ll tell you that.

&and another thing is that I’m also glad because no internet=no online degrees. and I really want to get an online degree.

Answer #8

yeah before the computer everything was crazy, people had to like actually interact in real life but those were the dark ages and im glad they are gone no but seriously people just talked on the phone(regular phone no cell phones we had to remember numbers and couldn’t screen calls), and wrote stuff on paper using cursive to speed up the process, I remember being in 1st and 2nd grade and they were trying to teach us cursive telling us “you will have to use cursive on every paper you turn-in in high school, and college, and your future career.” turns out they were very wrong. ask your parents what it was like before everyone had a computer

Answer #9

If we didnt have computers you wouldnt be asking this question, nor would Funadvice.com exist

Answer #10

extremely boring! :(!!! Good thing we have them!!! :)!!!

Answer #11

it would suuuck. I practically live on my pc

Answer #12

p.s. that was sarcasm

Answer #13

it would suuuck. I practically live on my pc

Answer #14



Answer #15

there are good things and bad things about having computer. first of all I would not be able to give any kind of adice or get in that case wiout the computer. but if you think about it the world has developed so much righ now that if there were no computers there would have been some other form of technology connecting the world in the blink of an eye. maybe mind chip or like wise?? think about th!!

Answer #16

It would be like 1965.

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