Just A Dream, story I wrote

This is a story I just wrote, and one of my first, so its not great, but its based on a dream I had. Will you read this and tell me what you think?

 Im searching everywhere in this crappy motel. Looking for grandpa. He couldn't have left me, could he? He wouldn't have left me here in this dangerous place, all alone. I look in the first room on the right. I see my parent's and my brother's things on the beds, and my brother's shoes are on the floor. I get the feeling they won't be needing that anymore. It saddens me. There are ghosts in all the rooms, trying to get me as I pass. 
 I hear something.. It sounds like a car. I run outside, and it's grandpa. He's leaving without me. I'm running after the truck, but he just keeps going. Can't he see me? I'm stuck here all alone now. No, wait, a noise behind me. Leaves crunching. Pain. Pain surging through every part of my body. I see five people. They are beating me with lead pipes and crow bars. Its so dark, I can't see their faces. All I know is pain. I think they are going to kill me. Im so scared. So scared of dying. Grandpa.. Why did you leave me?
 "You'regoing to kill me aren't you?" I ask them that. Blood and tears running into my mouth. Tastes like metal.. They keep swinging.
  They start to reply, but I don't hear them anymore. Its so quiet now. And black. Everything's enveloped in darkness. Am I dead? No, I must be sleeping. Just sleeping. I'll wake up soon...
Answer #1

pretty cool dream…I have those a lot but mine are more weird and lots more gore and im the one inflicting pain very good, could do with a bit more explaining on the noises and visuals for eg “No, Wait, a noise behind me” could be written No, wait, something made a noise behind me or a thudding noise behind me

and the 5 people could go into more detail, the faces, clothes, maybe theyre voices or stances but its good

Answer #2

I like it.. it has a kind of a twisted feel to it but its good. send me the rest when you finish. But honestly so far its seem good. Just a few touches here and there and it could be a awesome story. Send me a message if you want some help. I use to write stories a lot.

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