why do guys think the jonas brothers are gay?

why do guys think the jonas brothers are gay?

Answer #1


Answer #2

Because they wear tight jeans and they just look gay!! And they are gay!!!But I love nick jonas!!! Hes super hot!!!

Answer #3

Ok I personally Love them I love their music & they are really hot 2…but im not 1 of these fans who gets all protective of them like if someone doesnt like them thats their descion…BUT if you dont like them you can say it without calling them gay and ugly…just be nice about it…

Answer #4

guys call them gay as a result of a defense mechanism to protect their own sense of masculinity. By dismissing them as gay, the ultimate negation of heterosexuality, men can enforce their own sense of heterosexuality (and thus, their sense of masculinity). The jonas brothers are probably pulling more poon (or maybe cocks?) by being their gay selves then by abiding by the standard hetero-agro-masculine norm.

Answer #5

because they are.

Answer #6

Probably because they are.

Answer #7

there all fags they all three of them sucked my dick!! and they were good at it

Answer #8

YES THE R!!! ugh I hate them sooo much! kevin is super gay

Answer #9

b/c of the way they dress. lol also there music.

Answer #10

I think they are not gay just cause they were skinny jeans means they are not gay … so if boys were skinny jeans doesnt mean they are gay … who evre put there gay ther f* stuipd … they are got last time I cheack kevin was getting married with a girl …; and nick went out with selena gomez and miley cyrus … joe was going out with talyor swift and ect… I THINK THAT PUT THERE GAY THEY are STUIDP

Answer #11

ok…I said it once I’ll say it again…ok well…are you saying they are gay as in stupid? or gay as in homosexual?? because if you mean it as homosexual, then thats just an insult to thousands of people. but if you mean stupid, just say stupid. not gay. thank you. and one is getting married and the other two have GIRLfriends. so yeah. just saying. peace!!! :)

Answer #12

ok…I said it once I’ll say it again…ok well…are you saying they are gay as in stupid? or gay as in homosexual?? because if you mean it as homosexual, then thats just an insult to thousands of people. but if you mean stupid, just say stupid. not gay. thank you. and one is getting married and the other two have GIRLfriends. so yeah. just saying. peace!!! :)

Answer #13

I love the jonas brothers and I dont no why and how pepole call them gay cause they are totally not just cause that wont to wear skinny jeans its up to them wot they wont to wear because everyone has different fashion sense and by the way pepole who call kevin gay they suck because like I sed before its up to them wot they wont to wear and just cause kevin wears boopts with a heel dosent mean to say that hes gay so in the futur pepole who call them gay just can go and get them selves a life and why is they sum person sayin the jonas brothers are gay and then sayin I love nick wot is the point if you dont like them all why be a fan I love you nick joe and kevin and I always will <3 :)

Answer #14

just look at them, I mean, is it really that hard to tell, they’re flaming.

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