Why the heck do people think the Jonas Brothers are so good?

Why the heck do people think the Jonas Brothers are so good???

Answer #1

Haha, some songs are …o..k. But I really think that people who want to a good band DON’T start your career on Disney Channel.

Answer #2

I have no clue, there are other girls in my high school that are drooling all over them, being obsessed basically.

I think there music sucks and none of them are cute.

but I have no clue why people like them, they suck.

Answer #3

I actually really hated them but I went to a concert cause my friend had amazing free tickets BUT they actually sound kinda decent in person but other than that they sound like crap. they are really good performers though, not like their music but they are SUPER entertaining.

Answer #4

Same as the question above yours, about how the world will end. Some things, we’ll just never know. It’s a mystery.

Answer #5

they only want them ferr theyre bodiess :)

Answer #6

It’s a matter of opinion. Just because you hate them,they’re automatically ‘’horrible’’. Well,some people like em and some dont.Live with it.

Answer #7

I dont I think their lame but most of their fans are like 12 to 16 so maybe its like a crush?? I guess

Answer #8

I don’t even know if I’ve heard anything that they do. I’m 55 and still prefer music from the ‘60’s. I think my granddaughter likes the Jonas Brothers if they’re the ones who have a guy named Damien. She goes everywhere to see him and has a lot of pics taken with him.

Answer #9

Personally I hate them, they sound like Hanson :\

Answer #10

Hahahahaha!!! Roxyrumble that is REALLY funny!! And VERY true!!!

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