Answer #1

When Jesus dies on the cross satan was rendered “powerless” in regaurd to the power of death.. so becuz Jesus died on the cross people can now be forgivin of their sins which leaves less for satan to take. Jesus died on the cross for all of Gods children. Satan did not want him to die

Answer #2

Matthew 12:31. Blasphemy against the holy spirit will not be forgiven. Satan has commited every sin.

he cannot be forgivin becuz he has commited the unforgivable sin.. blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. to show disprespect for God. Not believing.They deny the activity of the Holy Spirit in prodding them to believe, and thus blaspheme the Holy Spirit by putting his activity down to guilt feelings, etc. Matthew 12:31-32 “And so I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.” which is why satan cannot be forgivin nor did Jesus die on the cross for him

Answer #3

Well, my idea of Jesus is a lot different then who he is in The Bible. I believe that Jesus was a homeless man who made up stories about his father “God” and spread words of kindness and such so that people would help him out and give him money for his labor, I believe he just went around telling lies and doing odd jobs for money and telling people how wonderful his dad is so that they would treat him well. I also believe he was the Houdini of his time and that he worked as a magician for money and to gain people’s “faith” and trust and to get them to believe in him and all his tales. He was crucified for claiming that he was the king of the jews and romain soldiers mocked him and put him in a robe with the crown of thorns and put “INRI” on the sign above him. So basically, I believe that people thought he was a huge joke and that they decided to let him “ pay for humankind’s sins” and blah, blah. So what im saying is, is that he died on the cross for claiming to be something he wasnt and all his followers still truly believed in all his crap so they wrote The Biblewhich is blindly followed to this day even though it’s been re-written and changed around several times.

I think I should re-write The Bible next.

Answer #4

My apologies, the romans didnt put the sign up, I forget who did and hey, who really cares? But, I believe it was latin.

Answer #5

HA! The dude who wrote it WAS a roman! :D

Answer #6

Do you actually expect anything but a bunch of bible quotes that have nothing to do with anything? Oh and Jesus died to save mankind. Satan was an angel. He doesnt count. (We wont get into why an all knowing God would create satan knowing what he was going to do.

Answer #7

I just read a thought-provoking series written by a friend of mine called “Fallen”. Satan’s character acts more as a sorrowful victim who is in need of redemption. Is Satan more of a eternal scapegoat for the reckless sins of man, or do you believe in inherrent evil with a purely evil figurehead at the helm, steering spiritually weakened people into the seven deadlies? More probably theologeans think of satan as a figurative embodiment of man’s turning away from God, in which case it derrives from man so should be washed in the lambs blood.

Answer #8

Not that you care Ty, but. . .since you commented. An all-knowing God did create. How can a supposed God of love crate evil? He created his angels and us to share in a relatiionship. He gave us free-will in this partnership, so he would be violating boundaries if he interfered, thus becoming a transgressor. So why does he not interfere in those lives of blameless, shattered victims, those little young ones whose boundaries were so violated as to forever close off the relationship God yearns so much for? God submits to what we bring to the table and lovingly weaves possibilities out of the shreads of our shattered existance. With my heart torn asunder he begins to create small beautiful sounds that penetrate the bits and pieces of the precious little that is left, one piece of love at a time, until i have aquired the proverbial mustard seed of faith it takes to rekindle the Love for him. Or, I can hide out in the certainty of the pain in my prison rather than try the new and incremental process of spiritual and mental growth, listening for even the simplest syllables of God’s affection. Good to hear from you.

Answer #9

i understand where u are comming from. satan could definatly be figurative for mans sin.. that all depends on if u believe in satan and demons. considering there is angels why can there not be demons or a satan. he is a fallen angel.

Answer #10

And if he was an angel givin free-will, and is now sorrowful and ready for redemption, is that possible? Most people probably believe that if there is such a being, that he is eternally pissed at God,therefore unredeemable. Since of course, we are the only ones in the way of our own redemption.

Answer #11

he cannot be forgivin becuz he has commited the unforgivable sin.. he probly is sorrowfull. One difference between man and angelic beings is that angelic beings do not require faith. They walk by sight, they are spiritual and inhabit a realm where God is definately present.They have no excuse for any rebellion from the belief in and knowledge of God, indeed they ‘believe and tremble’Another factor is that Man is born a sinner and must be born again, by the Spirit, to receive salvation. Until this occurs man cannot please God. Satan and his angels are eternal beings who have ever known God and His pleasure yet chose to disobey Him in full possession of the facts and full knowledge of the judgement of God. A second chance therefore for Satan would not be just

Answer #12

Can you commit the sin against the holy spirit and still have sorrow in your heart, though it be blackened and hardened? i always thought that having a hardened heart was what kept you from having that heaven which is a loving relationship with your creator. I asked once the tell-tale signs of the sin against the holy spirit. The pastor told me that if I feel, if i cry, if i am truly sorry for my sins, and am asking God for forgiveness, then there is no way that i have committed such a sin. it is the ultimate turning away from the father with the feeling of no reconciliation on our part which creates the separation. or am I way off base?

Answer #13

The definition of Blasphemy is expressing a lack of reverence. It is the showing of disrespect toward something sacred. Blaspheming the Holy Spirit occurs when a person who knows better rejects the Word of God which the Holy Spirit is attempting to bring into the heart of that person. Hence this rejection or this refusal is telling the Holy Spirit that what he is trying to bring into the person’s heart is not being believed, that it’s not worth the effort or the time to even look into it or study it, that the very Word of God is not important, and that the beliefs and teachings of Jesus Christ are being rejected.if u have sorrow for this then u are allowing the holy spirit to guide u.When you die still rejecting Jesus Christ, it is telling the Holy Spirit that you have ended your life still rejecting the light and the truth that he has been trying so hard to bring into your heart. That because of your harden heart and closed eyes and ears, you have turned your back on the Son of God and instead have decided that your life will end still on the side of satan and the world. This is a classic example of having a lack of reverence, a lack of respect, and a complete rejection of what the Holy Spirit has been trying to bring into your life. To die without Christ is truly blasphemy aimed directly at the Holy Spirit.

he can have sorrow but he is still to proud and thinks he is better. thats why he was cast out.

Answer #14

Not satisfied being an archangel, Satan desired to be like the most High God. So he rebelled and attempted to usurp the power and authority of God. Satan thus committed blasphemy.

Answer #15

He would be violating boundaries? He created the rules? Knowing what would happen? It is quite interesting. I wouldn’t condemn my worst enemies to hell. And God would condemn the children he loves to hell? You can argue that humans have free will and thus it is their choices that lead them to hell. And yet, if a parent has the ability to stop their child from hell, they would do it. Perhaps by not creating Satan in the first place. You can argue that those without God in their lives are really empty. I can argue that those who believe in a God who would torture them in order to make them have faith are delusional. We won’t really get anywhere. I cannot believe that God would really allow people to go to hell.

Answer #16

Ty trying to use reason and logic to understand christianity is an exercise in futility. You will never get a logical answer as to why a loving god would allow his creations to be tortured for eternity when he has power to prevent it. And in some cases, these people are being tortured for such minor transgressions like not being able to believe in him since he provides absolutely no evidence of his existence.

Answer #17

Thank you Jimahl and Ty. i love you guys as fellow humans that inhabit this planet, and because you are both pretty cool people. I dont try to convert, but I dont mind sharing my beliefs, they are dear to me just as humanism is dear to you. Satan created himself, when he chose seperation. God is the ultimate model for healthy boundaries. No, a good parent would not save their child from hell. A loving parent would let their kids make all of their own choices and hope and pray that they realize they are always there for them. A good parent would ultimately sacrifice themselves for their kids, like say; be crucified? Jesus was God’s ultimate gift to his creation, an eternal doorway back to the father, and all it takes is a mustard seed! For me it had to really start with a turning away from Man’s controlling, manipulative religions, and search and find this relationship myself. As far as I am concerned, man-made religion may have done more harm than good these past two milleniums. if fact, I am sure of it. But Jessus did not come here to start a religion, he came to open a relationship. (paul Young interview).

Answer #18

No, a good parent would never impose on the will of there children, only offer guidance and love. God is the Model for healthy boundaries. If I had three kids Ty, and I had to choose which of them would go to hell, could I do it? Hell no! i would ultimately say take me. I WANT TO DIE FOR MY KIDS! Jesus was God’s ultimate gift to his creation. An eternal doorway back to the father, and all it takes is the proverbial mustard seed. I had to come to this realization by turning away from man-made religions. I believe that religion may have done more harm that good in the past two milleniums. Religion is for people who do not want to go to hell. Spirituality is for those who have already been there. I have been there as Barron Hannah, as she sobbed in the temple, as Jesus himself, as he called out from the cross, for even Christ had to feel the total absense of God, if even for a nanosecond. Where was God when the receptors of his love were being stripped away by the realities of an alcoholic home? “ It took years of recovery and therapy and countless thoughts of su!cide, and I am still–at times– clinging to this mustard seed of faith. To this day I rarely ever meet God in a church. it is always when i am holing hands with someone in a treatment center, or like last night when i was riding the bus home from school. You see alot of God’s favorites on the number 72 :) especially around the first of the month, when the government gives them money to go to “their frineds house”. I sit there the whole time on the bus and pray. (inside my head) and say thank you Papa, but for your grace, there go I. i want to set them on my lap and give them what has been given to me. But I know that I was ready when i was ready, and not a second before.

Answer #19

i agree all the way. man made religion is the cause of all wars. im sure he did not want this.The first false assumption is that love allows the object of that love to do whatever he or she wants. However, this permissive kind of “love” isn’t really love at all.Since God created spiritual beings for the purpose of expressing love, those beings must have complete free will in order to express that love. Of course, free will allows for the possibility of those beings rejecting God and His plans. Unfortunately, most people do not agree that God’s rules are good and do not want to live by them.So why doesn’t God make everyone into perfect beings and allow them all into heaven? It would actually be more cruel if God were to do this, since many people prefer hell to the alternative (complete submission to God). All the people who end up going to hell will have done so because they actually prefer hell to being forced into the presence of God for all eternity. People like to live in their favorite sins and answer to no one else. They know that if they accept Jesus as Lord and Savior that God will want them to change their lives and they might have to give up some of their autonomy

Answer #20

very touching

Answer #21

Thanks for posting Michelle

Answer #22

. . . and all of the major belief systems speak of unity– Conscious unity with creator and creation as being the the great purpose of our lives. we are not made to live away from the fathers house. We are made to walk the road of happy destiny, arms around one with another in love, sharing and caring our way through the universe. That was, and is God’s purpose. i love what you have said Angel, because i still choose at times to reject God’s plans. thankfully my God is not petulant. he is patient and understanding. he did not create me with this range of emotions and instincts, set them in opposition and stand back as an evil boy with a magnifying glass, getting his kicks, like you said, he created me to love. So When I am done throwing my tantrum, like a good parent, God gently picks me up and tries to show me a better way.

Answer #23

You’re welcome…Greg?

Answer #24

thats rite :) to fear the Lord is to love him and respect him. as like u would ur parents

Answer #25

Rick :)

Answer #26

Ok here’s where I’m going with this. BEFORE hell was created, God had a choice. God chose to create an angel that would lead to the creation of hell. See it’s not the choice now that I am questioning. I understand free will. But in choosing to create satan in the first place, God chose to send his children to hell. This is as ridiculous as a parent creating a death trap next to their home knowing that some of his children will fall in if they are not obedient (and knowing in advance that some children will be disobedient) but doing it anyways. I dont buy into that version of God. That God is beyond narcissistic in expecting all his orders to be followed blindly and if not then well to hell with you… But, I respect how much good people’s faith has created in their lives. Whatever works…

Answer #27

Ahahahahhaha. Im too funny.

Answer #28

i am no theologon, but I am a free-thinker. :) So I dont believe in a physical realm known as “Hell”. I do believe in God being synonymous with “Good Orderly Direction”, “Love”, “good”, and “light”. And just as a conscious partnership with one of these could be a definition of Heaven, The absence of this partnership could be hell, and darkness. So although God created us to be in relationship with him and his other kids, being all powerful, yes ty, he must have known some of his kids would reject him, thus creating a hell for themselves. I rejected him for twenty some odd years, but he never once gave up on me. Not once.

Me and you have been talking for quite a while. I am trly sorry for some of the arrogance I have shown in the past. We are all growing. :)
Answer #29

Well I would have to say no. The bible says that Jesus died for the sins of mankind. Not angels. I don’t think they have the ability to repent. I think the sides of the angels have been chosen before man was created and therefore will remain as such.

Answer #30

Well I would have to say no. The bible says that Jesus died for the sins of mankind. Not angels. I don’t think they have the ability to repent. I think the sides of the angels have been chosen before man was created and therefore will remain as such.

Answer #31

This goes back to Jimahl’s statement on evidence of God. What you want as evidence and what Christians see as evidence are completely different. The creation of the world/Big Bang, a changed heart through divine intervention/ a change from a strong will, personality/rapid impulses firing in your brain. We can argue that all day long and I know we wouldn’t get anywhere because we see things entirely different. You want something magical to happen to prove “God” or more or less God’s physical appearance. However, it all comes down to faith in God and he is who he says he is. A faithless person won’t see God unless they see an old man robed in white lights with angels flying all around him as he bellows worship me and creating things left and right (that’s just a cartoonish example). A person with faith, doesn’t have to see the old man to believe he is there. We walk by faith not by sight.

Answer #32

Dang it didn’t mean to post this here

Answer #33

This goes back to Jimahl’s statement on evidence of God. What you want as evidence and what Christians see as evidence are completely different. The creation of the world/Big Bang, a changed heart through divine intervention/ a change from a strong will, personality/rapid impulses firing in your brain. We can argue that all day long and I know we wouldn’t get anywhere because we see things entirely different. You want something magical to happen to prove “God” or more or less God’s physical appearance. However, it all comes down to faith in God and he is who he says he is. A faithless person won’t see God unless they see an old man robed in white lights with angels flying all around him as he bellows worship me and creating things left and right (that’s just a cartoonish example). A person with faith, doesn’t have to see the old man to believe he is there. We walk by faith not by sight.

Answer #34

Bryson, I appreciate and respect how you feel. I am married to someone who feels the same way. But I am not a “spiritual” person, in as such as I don’t think there is a spirit, or outside source for our consciousness.. I am a realist. I need to see things with my own eyes, or at least trust the source as being scientifically sound and logical. I tend towards Occam’s Razor, the simplest answer being the most likely. I see lots of evidence for the natural world, and its creation and existence as a natural phenomena. I see none for divine intervention being the cause of our creation. Some will say that it is my choice not to believe, but it is not. I can no more choose to believe in a god than I could in leprechauns or the flying spaghetti monster. So I guess you are right, i am looking for physical proof of the existence of a god, and anything less is just wishful thinking…

Answer #35

Hi Freefromself. Glad to see you posting again. And glad to hear you have found some peace in your life, even if it is beyond me… lol

Answer #36

Flying spaghetti monster? LOL. Yes Jimahl, I am still growing. Going back to college for my degree is really opening me up to other realities. I believe in the simplest answer being true for most things. To me a creationist is the simple answer. God thinks and becomes the things he thinks about. Dont we have “big Bangs” in our lives? We think and become the things we think about. It is the God in us, I believe. or it could be the annanuka’s?!?!? lol

Answer #37

yeah Jimahl I know you’re married to a christian. We once had a huge conversation about the existence of God before. I do respect that you don’t believe the same as I do. Not everyone will believe the same as I do. However, Occam’s Razor is sometimes a double edge sword. What is more simple. Creation and all it’s tiny details happened by such a small fraction of chance that the only way to describe it is a miracle? Or it was carefully designed by someone/something beyond us. It is to me, like a house just randomly appears by chance or someone built it with a design in mind. Plus, couldn’t the big bang possibly happen again if it was merely by chance? I know you can’t believe the same because you are very skeptical of a divine supernatural being…. however, in my eyes, even if you are right in the end. That what we see is what we get. I’d much rather live my life as a christian and believe in something rather than nothing. I’d rather go to my death in hope that this isn’t it than go to my death sad that this is the end.

Answer #38

yeah Jimahl I know you’re married to a christian. We once had a huge conversation about the existence of God before. I do respect that you don’t believe the same as I do. Not everyone will believe the same as I do. However, Occam’s Razor is sometimes a double edge sword. What is more simple. Creation and all it’s tiny details happened by such a small fraction of chance that the only way to describe it is a miracle? Or it was carefully designed by someone/something beyond us. It is to me, like a house just randomly appears by chance or someone built it with a design in mind. Plus, couldn’t the big bang possibly happen again if it was merely by chance? I know you can’t believe the same because you are very skeptical of a divine supernatural being…. however, in my eyes, even if you are right in the end. That what we see is what we get. I’d much rather live my life as a christian and believe in something rather than nothing. I’d rather go to my death in hope that this isn’t it than go to my death sad that this is the end.

Answer #39

ok this is getting ridiculous…. sorry again.

Answer #40

Byson, We do not know for sure that the formation of the earth, and development of intelligent life on it, is a singular or even a rare event. Given there are trillions and trillions of stars, and among those, there are probably billions of stars that have planets that can sustain life, and of those there could be millions that develop intelligent or sentient life. We happened to be one of them. I see it as something highly probable, and almost definite. Certainly a lot more than a small fraction of a chance. As far as the big bang, I happen to think that it will happen again, but not by chance. It is a natural phenomena. We know our universe is currently expanding away from a central point, following the big bang. There is a theory that says it will eventually stop expanding and begin to contract, eventually back to a single point (called a singularity), where it will reach critical mass, then implode, and then begin the expansion again. It is an infinite cycle of expansion and contraction. I see real evidence for most of this, and I see none for intelligent design… I would rather go to my death knowing I lived as full a life as possible, without worrying about pleasing some omnipotent being. And if I am wrong, I am confident this omnipotent being is not going to punish me for not believing. I think he has bigger fish to fry. And if he did, he is not worth being around, in my opinion. I see no downside. And I certainly do not buy into Pascal’s Wager.

Answer #41

You can’t reject him your whole life then expect him to accept you in the end. Once we are dead and gone, what we have done and the choices we’ve made are it. That thought of him taking you and you reject him merely because he isn’t the God you wanted. That’s selfish, thinking that you’ll get into heaven just because. Bigger fish to fry? You are the bigger fish. You, me, us is what he is after. He is a loving God, but also a just God, a righteous God. You reject him, he will reject you. Plus, who’s to say a christian life isn’t a full life? I guess we will see in the end won’t we :)

Answer #42

Bryson, it is not rejection. Do you reject Zeus, or Santa, or the Easter Bunny? You would need to be able to believe in something in order to be able to reject it. I can not force myself to believe in such a being no matter how much I try. I could pretend to, but if he does exists, wouldn’t he know? And that is my point. I have no choice in what I believe. Can you start believing in fairies or leprechauns? I seriously doubt it. It is the same with me and a deity. I can’t just flip a switch and start believing. So if this god does exist, and he punishes me for something I can’t help, what does that tell you about this loving god of yours? Believers seem to not understand that non-believers don’t choose to not believe. They just don’t. And it is not like I have never tried. I was brought up christian, and went to church every sunday. I know more about christianity than most christians.

Answer #43

no, he died for our sins

Answer #44

I agree

Answer #45

BUt teh sad part of this is that Revelation Predicts that right before Christ returns Spirits and demons will perform miraculous acts(Rev 16:14). Those who are looking for “proof” will certainly be decieved.

Answer #46

Of course he did, but satan did not repent so he’s still on the loose as the master of dieceit confusing everyone with reasoning and doubt.

Answer #47

and satan represents sin and all that is evil while God represents holiness and all that is good.

Answer #48

and satan represents sin and all that is evil while God represents holiness and all that is good.

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