It's NOT Gastroenteritis =[

I’ve been having nausea for the past four days now. I thought it may be the stomach flu but I found out none of the symptoms matched. it’s just nausea and loss of appetite. no throwing up, no diarrhea. just that. I’ve done a lot of home remedies and I’m taking the medicine but it’s not working. . . I’m afraid I’m going to be stuck with this for a prolonged period of time :[ what’s wrong.? has anybody else ever had this.

Answer #1

I forgot to mention. Any medicines that you may be taking that are “too strong” for you can also promote or cause nausea. :-)

Answer #2

First of all, rule of thumb is that if nausea persists for a prolonged period of time it is very important to consult your doctor. This is primarily because there are “many” things that can cause nausea… and some of them can really be some serious stuff.

Some of the things that could possibly cause nausea might be:

pregnancy (especially with hormonal changes in the first trimester) a stomach ulcer an inner ear infection gastro intestinal reflex disease heart, liver, cancer or kidney disorders colitis migraine headaches gallstones pain (obvious pain and/or hidden pain) perscriptions that you might be on could cause nausea stress motion sickness dehydration

…and many more. So, you can see there may not be just one simple answer.

Here are several things you might possibly “try”, if you haven’t already:

First thing, right off the bat, get your hands on some “ginger tea” and “sip” it. Ginger tea has been used in the past to help people who had nausea so bad that that they had to be hospitalized for it. It may be your best bet.

Drink more fruit juices or sport drinks that will elevate your electrolites and help you keep from dehydrating and retain more water.

Check your home for possible natural gas leaks. Maybe from a furnace that may have been turned on recently. Too much carbon monoxide in your environment can make you quite nausea… or even kill you.

Take a spoon full of syrup (Emetrol)

take a tablespoon of white vinegar (in cases of gastro intestinal reflex disease) gastro intestinal reflex disease (or GIRD) is a condition where your stomach is producing too much stomach acid. By taking a tablespoon of white vinegar, you are adding a little acid to your stomach and those areas of your stomach that produce acid will turn off as a result.

do NOT eat fatty foods or meat (they take more stomach acid to digest)

try deep breathing exercises (they calm your nerves and improve oxidation of food in your stomach)

add garlic to your foods, or find a product called “oreganol” (which is oil from wild oregano… not the oregano you cook with). Each of these things will help destroy bad bacteria in your stomach and intestines.

Hungry or not, eat something that is bland and starchy when the nausea first starts. Crackers without butter work good.

Some of the conditions “could” be very serious, so don’t take prolonged nausea lightly. It is your body’s warning signal to shut down your appetite and tell you that something is wrong.

I hope this helped you to some degree. Good Luck and stay safe.


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