Why isn't freedom "free"?

I see all these bumper stickers saying freedom isn’t free. I think that’s ridiculous! If we would unite as a global mind and throw down our manipulators and oppressors, joining together in global harmony, freedom would have no price, it would be life. This bugs me, why are we all so divided? Is our quest for individuality blinding us to the real, big picture?

Answer #1

The reason that people say that freedom isn’t free is is because we pay for freedom with the blood of all those whom have died keeping us in the control of governments that allow us to be free as apposed to a dictatorship… So freedom costs the lives of all the soldiers lost keeping you safe at home

Answer #2

I understand the matter of sacrifice, the brave warriors defend our livelihood, that is honorable and commendable. I want to know why there are so many borders dividing all of us. I think we, as human beings, need to focus more on unifying and operating as a single, global force. We need to shake off this mega corporate malaise and realize our humanity!

Answer #3

the past is done, and we can only move forward, its a matter of whether or not we let our conflictive past hinder our advancement as a global population.

Answer #4

That’s right. We could get freedom. But only if we make it be. It’s not free as in it won’t fall from the sky, suddenly, without any effort by us. If we lean back and do nothing, it won’t just happen to come around. We need to take care od our freedom. We must venture for it. It won’t just fall in place. That is I think what they say.

You can get free gummy bears from this sheep, here have some hands over gummy bears, but you can’t just wait till someone comes along and gives you freedom. I believe that is what it means.

Answer #5

First of all we need to define freedom. There are all kinds of freedom. One could argue that none of us are truly free. Nobody is free to do anything they want whenever we want to do it. Our governments, professional bodies and communities have their own rules and various ways to coerce us into following them. Different people put different weights on different freedoms. There is freedom from taxes and regulation, freedom to own weapons, freedom to marry who you choose, freedom to worship as you choose, freedom to associate with various groups, freedom of expression, freedom from hunger, thirst, or exposure, etc.. Freedom is a mater of degree. Few people would choose to live in a society where everyone was free to do anything they wanted. The freedom of each individual has to be weighed against the freedom of others and society. Thomas Jefferson said that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. We are all taught to honor the warriors who fought for our independence from Britain, or for states or rights or against slavery (depending on your side in the civil war), against European dictators, against totalitarian communism and against terrorists. In addition to that each of us has to be vigilant and willing to stand up against those who would curtail our freedom. I think back to how few politicians and citizens stood up against the “Patriot” Act (I don’t think this is the sort of thing patriots would want). We effectively gave up our rights against search without warrant or probably cause, freedom from being imprisoned without charges and freedom of privacy. This act invalidates most of our Bill of Rights and these freedoms were lost without a single shot fired.

Answer #6

Thank you! I feel the same way about the patriot act, a corner that we are being subtly and efficiently being herded into. Who pushes us? A corporate elite class, the top 3 percent of us who controls the majority of the economy who uses legislation to secure their interest yielding futures? We have now an economically driven illusion of freedom. Like yonder sheep says: Someones not gonna come along and give you freedom.

Answer #7

I couldn’t agree more. It would take alot of effort, organization, and smooth-talking to start a global revolution with the aim of redistributing the wealth and unifying all nations. This whole population would really need to unite together and have a complete paradigm shift, on a massive scale.

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