Is this censorship?

I saw this T.V. show once, where this kid, about 12 years old, wanted to watch a scary movie, and his sister sauid he couldn’t, so he said it was censorship. What do you think?

Answer #1

It was censorship, she just didn’t want him to watch it. Children that age can’t handle scary movies. Even some adults can’t stand too watch them.

Answer #2

yes it is censorship. more parents need to do that with some of the media that comes into their kids lives as children can’t mentally handle the stimulation things like horror movies and violent video games and vulgar music will encompass them in. but that is and should be the job of GOOD parents in the world. if it is for the best of the child then that form of censorship is a good thing. but if it borderlines on abuse then no you should not censor certain material and information in the child’s life.

Answer #3

Yes, that’s censorship. Censorship for children is appropriate.

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