Is something different???

OK.I got mad at this guy because one month he was flirting with me a lot and trying to get me to like him. So when I finally did start liking him, he just all of a sudden stopped talking to me. He just totally ignores me. So I was mad/ sad that he wouldnt talk to me. Recently I got over him. I still want him to be my friend but idc if he likes me like a g/f. But when im at church people say I act differently than I did before. I don’t know what they are talking about me being different. Im just being myself. I just want people to leave me alone about acting differently and offering help and 4 me to talk to them. I appreciate it but there is nothing wrong with me. (so I think) I just wonder if its possible that I have been acting differently because of something deep within myself that I don’t know about but my physical self is acting differently against it???

Answer #1

You are just emotionally hurt, and people do seem different when they are in that stage even though you don’t notice it. You’ll get back to your normal self eventually, don’t worry.

Answer #2


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