Does he want something different

Me && my fiance have been together for almost two years. && I feel as if he isnt happy with me anymore. I havent been faithful during times in this relationship but niether has he. I’ve lied to him tho more than hes lied to me. He goes behing my back on to my email, myspace, funadvice everything. I mean I guess he has the right since I’ve lied and been very unfaithful but im sorry. I feel as if he wants someone he can trust and not just a girl that he loves. I think he wants love && trust. For some reason im really aftaid to be honest to him and im just not comforable with him. Like I love him and hes everything && more to me but its like he always wants to start a fighting he likes bringing things up from forever ago && I hate that. He just cant let the past go. What do I do? Or what should he do? Leave me would he be happier?

Answer #1

I think you and him should have a little break from each other and get your heads straight when you aint with someone for a little while you relise the good things you miss and relise if you want or do not want to be together ! time will tell !!!

johnny b xxx
Answer #2

This is one of the problems that can arise when minors date adults. He doesnt trust you, because you are simply acting like the 16 yr old that you are. You are still developing as a person, and both of you are on totally different maturity levels! You say that your afraid of being honest with him, and you arent comfortable with him…only proves you are NOT ready for such a serious relationship! Love involves honesty, respect and trust each other. Without any of these, there is no relationship!

Answer #3

This is why you should wait a little bit before you decide that you really want to be with someone. It can feel like forever because you’ve got that chemistry, but sometimes it doesn’t work because one person, or both people aren’t willing to put in their half of the relationship. In this case it would be you, not wanting to tell the truth. Honesty and being open is the only thing that can keep a relationship together. If you do not have that, then you have nothing. You are too young, and have not had enough relationships to understand that in my opinion.

Answer #4

I agree with the first guy maybe he doesnt trust you yet how long ago was the last time you lied

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