is my brother turning emo

well my 12 year old brother these just started this year lately he wants black shirts and wants 2 shop at hot topic and hes wearing those weird bands on his arm and he wants 2 dye his hair black but my mom wouldnt let him like I don’t know is that just the style thats in now 4 kids his age cause I also have a 15 year old brother but he dosent like black at all what do you think is going on wit him he was like this before

Answer #1

He wants to wear black its just a style, Dont take action till you see a mark on his arm or leg or something, Cause if you confront him he will think you dont trust him & stuff

Answer #2

hes probably turing into what he THINKS emo is unfortuanlty majority of the people who talk about emo and majority of the kids who call themselves emo still have no idea what the word actually means emo is nothing more than a style of dress and a genre of music it has NOTHING to do with cutting (self harm) depression (a mental disorder) suicide, eating disorders, ect because feelings and emotions play NO part in any label or stereotype which is what majority of the kids who talk about emo and majority of the kids who call themselves emo still don’t understand

Answer #3

sum kids just do that stuff because it looks kool and som girls like that and if theres a girl he likes he might be trying to impress her

Answer #4

Just because he likes and wears black doesn’t mean that he is emo. You don’t need to label everyone as soon as they start showing a slight sign of being a emo and most 12 years aren’t emos.

Yope and Dope.

Answer #5

Almost everyone goes through this stage. I definately did. Just don’t be too quick to stereotype. Just because he wears black doesn’t mean that he is emo. He may be gothic or punk. Just let him be who he is and don’t criticize him for how he dresses. Accept him for being your brother. :) Sam

Answer #6

There is a lot to be said about how a human develops, let alone an adolecent boy. That being said he might be going for a goth look more than emo. I’m afraid if it’s emo you’re just going to have to put him down. He’d be hopeless:p.

Answer #7

No I dont think so. in my oppinion, You are only emo if you are deppressed. emo= emotional. I asume its just the style that hes been seeing everywhere and he just thinks its “cool” to seem all hardcore or something lol

Answer #8

Probably just a phase, I wouldnt worry until he starts painting his nalis and wearing eyeliner.

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